~Alatus~ My Lovely Nightmare Pt2

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A/n: Part Two Takes 2 Years Later.

(Y/n) pov

"Tch. You realy thought you could hide from me forever?" i looked everywhere around myself. But i couldnt see a thing. It was pitch black. With no source of light. "There is nothing that could save your mind when your asleep (y/n) and you know it~" i runned from left to right. Trying to find him.

"Show yourself you coward!!" i shouted as loud as i could while stoping and looking around. Turning in circles to see him. To see something. "Dont worry my darling. Someday your gonna leave him. All alone. All broken. And i will make him mine once again" "NEVER!!" I screamed while closing my eyes and falling to my knees.

He was right. I was gonna die someday. And leave him all alone. All alone to face the pain. To fight the battle all alone. Once again..

"All alone~ like the monster he is"

No. No i couldnt. I cant do this to him. Not when i. Not when i love him. "He's not monster! You are! YOU ARE THE MONSTER!!!" I screamed even louder than befoure. I was traped in my dream. Traped in my mind. I couldnt wake up.

I was all alone.

Curling up in the ball i started to sob. I wanted to wake up. I wanted to see him again. I wanted to tell him that i love him once again. I dont care that he ignored my feelings. I just wanted to let him hear it once more.

"Your useless to him"

I know.

"He dosent love you"

I know that.

"You'll die and leave him all alone"

I know that too.


"I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW!!! NO MATTER WHAT WILL YOU SAY!! ITS NOT GONNA MAKE ME HATE HIM OR MYSELF!!" i got up and started to walk "Your the monster who hides in the shadows to hide your ugly self. Your ugly soul and heart. Your the reason why you hate yourself!!"

I dont know where i managed to find strenght in myself to get up and face the demonic god in my dreams. But i did it. "Im not running anymore. Im staying. And im not leaving him! If he wants me to become immortal to always be by his side i will do it!!"


"He's sweet and broken boy who would never give up no matter how much others would try to stop him"


I closed my eyes and looked down as i stoped talking. Tears flowing down my checks. "AND I DONT CARE IF HE DOSENT LOVE ME BACK BECAUSE I WILL ALWAYS LOVE HIM!!!"


I turned around to see Alatus standing there. He was holding his mask in one hand as in other he had his staff. Part of his face was covered by shadow. His eye glowing anemo green and his other being usual amber colored. His head was little bit titled to side as he looked at me. Lips slighty parted (pic above)

"Alatus...i-" i didnt know whats to say. I just stood here not able to move at all. I looked down to hide my teary face "Come" i looked back up to see him holding hand out for me. The one with he held his staff befoure. I slowy reached out my hand and put it in his.

Waking up i shooted up in my bed gasping for air. I caughed few times befoure taking deep breaths. Alatus once told me that to enter in someones dream he had to be in touch with the person. Looking to my left side i saw him sitting on my bed beside me.

Feelings tears coming back i went straight for the hug while getting in his lap at the same time. He was here. He was ok. He havent gotten close to Alatus. Thank Archons. The moment i hugged him i felt Alatus stiffen but soon relax and hug me back. "Your ok now" hearing thoses words from him meant the world to me.

"Yes. Im ok now" slowy pulling away i looked at him and was surpised to see him blush slighty. Was it because i was on his lap? Possibly. "Um...Alatus..do you. Mind staying over?" i asked quitly befoure getting out of his lap. "Sure. But get some rest ok" "mhm" i nodded as i went back under the covers.

Feeling his arms around me pulling closer to his chest i snuggled against him. "Thank you for staying" i said quitly feeling sleepy once again. "I will always stay for you" i smiled faintly befoure drifting off to sleep.

"I love you Alatus"

~Next Day~

Third pov

The morning (y/n) woke up she was quite to say happily shocked to see Alatus sleeping still in her bed holding her close. And lets just say. Once he holds onto something. He dosent plan to let go. At all.

The moment Alatus slowy opened his eyes he was met with beautifull (e/c) eyes looking back at him. "Morning sleepy head" nodding his head he replied. "Morning" befoure continued. "In your dream you said that if i wanted you would become immortal for me"

(Y/n) felt blush creep up her checks. "And im serious about it. Maybe you dont love me back. But as long as i could be at least your friend. Not leave you all alone to this world. I would do it. Do it if you wished for it. Because Alatus" i looked away for moment befoure looking back at him. "I wanna do it. For you"

"You always been the weird one and you know it" he simply replied face never showing any emotions. "I know" chuckling softly they kept lying in the bed holding each others. "You know that i love you right?" "i know. Heard billion of times by now"

~Later That Night~

"Chongyun! Xingqui! Here!!" (y/n) waved her hand to both boys as they made they way over the others. "Glad you made it" the girls said befoure hugging them both. "Would never miss this for life" Xingqui chuckled befoure holding up his lantern as others followed the lead. "Who knows. Maybe someday theses lanters will have they own name and different meaning"

Childe said as he held his lantern ready to let it fly towards the skies. "Knowing how world changes. Yes. But for now. Its meaning is to show Liyues soldiers a way home" Morax said while slowy letting his lantern go. Chongyun, Xingqui, (y/n) and Alatus followed the lead.

As soon as they lanters was off peapole in Liyue let go of they lanters. Decorating the skies beautifully with hope and reminded that home is always near. "Hey (y/n). Follow me" Alatus said befoure walking off. (Y/n) nodded befoure mentioning to others so they dont worry.

"What is it Alatus?" ths girl asked when reaching Alatus who was standing at edge of the cliff. He turned to her. The lights behind him made him apear more beautifull than ever. "I talked with Morax and" Alatus looked down for moment befoure walking towards (y/n) and taking her hands in his.

"(Y/n)" Alatus looked at her befoure smiling. "Are you willing to become adepti and be with me forever? As my lover and future wife? Because i cant lie to you. That im not deeply in love with you" the young woman was shocked and happy at same time. She was holding back her tears befoure noding her head. "Yes. Yes i will. I love you Alatus"

"I love you too (y/n)"

And that when they finaly shared they first kiss.

A/n: Idk bout you. But i enjoy writing pt2 with timeskips
♡´・ᴗ・'♡ Stay Safe!

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