~Xiao~ Evil Conquering

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A/n: Tok longers than i wanted to >•< Thank you so much for understanding me. This is crapy. Started 3weeks ago finished today TwT

Third pov

It seemed that bad luck was following Childe anywhere since he stoped by Wangshu inn and talked (y/n) into coming along with him. For the forth time today Childe was getting out of the lake. With for no suprise anymore. He was trown in it.

"Childe there is something wrong with you today" Zhongli said as he crossed his arms looking at the wet human in front of him. Ah yes. The reason why Childe stoped by Wangshu Inn in the first place. Zhongli had requested for Childe to go and get (y/n) as he had something in mind that nobody knew. The only thing that they know. Was that they were in for quite a long day of walking.

"I swear i kept being pushed in!! Its like there is someone following me since Wangshu Inn!!" Childe exlaimed befoure shaking off the water as best as he could. It wasnt summer yet alraight. And Childe has been gone from his cold home for quite some long time. Enough to not take unexpected swim in cold waters.

"Hmm...i dont know what could have followed you actualy...i think Xiao with his dark ans hatefull aura would had scared off even flies by now" the only female in the group said while eyeing some flies nearby. "But if he is here. Its was your fault anyways" "HUH!?' "He does hate you" "AND HOW DOES IT MAKES IT MY FAULT!!!" The fatui harbinger shouted in dissbelive.

What could he do to make the yanksha hate him?

Oh way just way too manny reasonings.

"Dunno. Ask Xiao" (y/n) said again befoure crossing her arms ans looking around. There was no sign of the anemo yaksha so far. So maybe Childe has been finnaly cursed to be clumsy unlucky bitch for life.

But how exactly do you curse a bitch in the first place anyways?

"Childe. Maybe you should watch more carefully where you step" Zhongli said as he walked over the boy. Childe looked sarcasticaly at Zhongli befoure speaking. "And the how fuck from dirt path i would have steped in lake. Who was 50 FEET AWAY FROM ME!!" "my point exactly"

Groaning Childe crossed arms over his chest befoure looking at (y/n). "Alraight girly. Tell me one thing. If Xiao was here. What would you ask him to do for you" (y/n) rised eyebrow befoure looking up and pointed at another lake who was not too far from away from the one where Childe was trown in. Also it was much deeper by look of the dark waters. "I would want Xiao to trow you in that lake"

Childe looked the direction with the female was pointing and  snickered. "I dont think Xiao would be powerfull enought to do thaAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH" "you were talking too long" Xiao said as he stood now beside (y/n) one hand around her waist in protective manner as another one was holding his spear.

"Aweee Xiao. I should have guessed that you were here" the female said happily befoure waraping her arms around his neck. "What did you say about scaring flies off" (y/n) froze as his tone wasnt playfully. Heck it NEVER was playfull. "Uuuh..Zhongli!" "my dad wont help you" (😌Yes. I also agree with Morax being dad for Xiao. If you dont like it i will redo this part)

"XIAO!! I SHOULD HAVE FUCKING KNOWN IT WAS YOU FOR FUCK SAKES NOBODY OUT OF THEY FUCKIND MIND WOULD BE TROWING FATUI IN FUCKING LAKE!!!" Xiao simply rolled his eyes befoure letting go of (y/n) and crossing arms around his chest. "Someones starve touched" "look who's talking" as Xiao glanced at (y/n) she knew to shut up now or later run for her life.

Time Skip

"I told you not to piss him off"

"But it was fuuuun"

"And your wet. Along Childe"

"And i thought i was on his bad side"

"You are"

"But you trew (y/n) also in that same lake!!"

"But it dosent mean that he hates me~"

"Who said i dont?"

"Xiao we know that you dont"

Zhonglis comment made the yakshas face paint in pure deep red color as he looked away.

Childe would have teased Xiao if he wasnt...Xiao. Guess that privalege goes only to (y/n).

But she herself was too red at the moment to comment anything. So Zhongli being Zhongli. Wait no that Zhongli makes contracts. Childe please save this man.

"If you like each other so much then why dont become a couple?"

Thank you Childe.

"Because Xiao dosent like me that way"

"No i do. You dont"

"No i do! You dont wait you do?" since when Xiao was this open? Who traded this poor yaksha for someone else? Answer (y/n) or she makes contract with Zhongli to take his boyfriend for a some yaksha hunt.

Sighing Xiao tok the girls wirst befoure pulling her in for kiss. Childe was left speechless of this yakshas sudden touching confidence. Not like he was the one being kissed. So why are you suprised boy? Zhongli smiled to himself. When (y/n) finnaly relaxed and kissed Xiao back he pulled away befoure whispering and vanishing.

"Wanshu inn. Tonight. 12pm. Dont be late"

(Y/n) blushed as she watched where Xiao stood befoure he vanished. Red crept up her checks like cat who wanted attention.

Childe finnaly broke the sudden silence by whistling.

"Seems like someones getting it tonight. Mind to share the tale after?~"


That wasnt (y/n) who shouted face red as ever. Nope. It was suprised Zhongli who watched Childe being trown in the air and sent back to lake.

Might as well name him after some kind of sea creature. Because he seemed to be close with waters.

Thanks to the harsh winds. Childe always found his way in every possible exisiting lake in Liyue.

Even when it was 1am.

Sneaky peapole get punished. And so for the next 2 years Childe got the lake swim almost twice a day.

A/n: i will HOPEFULLY try to update twice a week. Monday i have history exam. The rest week practical lessons. Then 3 weeks im gone for practise. Aaaand along for whole Juny im redundant machine rights.

Hope i wrote right the last part TwT



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