~Xiao~ Wraped As Mummy Pt2

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A/n: Im gonna be suprised if you like this pt2 (҂⌣̀_⌣́) I didnt know what to write so (⌒_⌒;)

(Y/n) pov

After i told Zhongli my story i felt even better. I never had told anyone this story befoure. And i felt that i could trust him. "Well. This was quite intresting dont you think? A kiss from the Conqueror of Demons himself. Quite intresting knowing that it wasnt the way they chosed to eat dreams of others" now this caught my intress.

I knew about yakshas eating dreams. And that it was painfull but quik. But i never heard of thr other way. "Is the other way. Somehow conected to kissing? Or something else?" I watched Zhongli chuckle. "You could say that kissing leads to something else that is much more pleasant way for humans to have eaten they dreams or nightmares away"

I looked away with my face on fire now. Well thank god that he just kissed me back then. But if i had now nightmares and he would show up to help me. Would he. Possibly go futher? Just thinking of it sent pleasant shivers down my spine. 'Quit it!'

"Got something on your mind miss?" i quikly replied with "not realy" befoure looking at the name 'Alatus' once again i just wondered who was he. "I guess in exchange for your story i can tell you who Alatus was" "could you please?" i asked as i looked at Zhongli with puppy eyes for moment befoure looking back at the name. "I never heard of him befoure"

"Alatus is Xiao's real name"

It struck me like lighteen right there and then. If Alatus is Xiao. Then. Thats means that Xiao is....dead. "H-how?" i looked back asking to Zhongli but he was gone. "Zhongli? I heard something like doors move so i thought that possibly Zhongli had left me alone to process it all on my own.

Xiao's first and real name. Was Alatus. And. He's dead. I looked back saddly ready to cry. But instead of carved name. I was met with amber eyes looking back into mines.

Xiao's pov

'Thats the girl from 9 years ago. Who left me Almond Tofu every night for months. (Y/n). I have finnaly found you. And im ready to make you mine'

(Y/n) pov

I couldnt belive my eyes. I felt like fainting. Crying. Screaming or even running away. But i was frozen in place. Shocked. But you know whats? Running sounded like way better idea right now. Expectly now that he was reaching out for me now.

Yep. Running it is then.

I managed to dash off quikly. But not even making first steps i heard running from behind me. He's chasing me. Xiao was known for his speed. And i could never outrun speedy yaksha. So i made manny fast and sharp turns as much as possible to get away.

Always remembering and trying not to run into my classmates. I dont personaly think that it would look cool be to chased by mummy wraped up yaksha who wasnt even dead. Haha no.

Looking back while making another turn i saw that he was gone. Did i somehow outrunned a yaksha?

"Gaah!!" nope. Soon enought i felt hand around my mouth and another one arund my waist. Even thought i was amazed by yakshas expectly Xiao. I couldnt help but to be afraid. Afraid of what will happen to me.

"Stop struggling its no use agaisnt adepti" he had a point there. So i stoped soon enough. If i die i die. As he brought us in different room and finnaly let me go. Turning around i was met with muscular bare chest and one sexy look if i may add. Was i having hots for this yaksha? Hands down legs up. Tottaly.

"H-hi! Uhm...Xiao right?" would he rememeber me as the little girl from 9 years ago? Probably not. "The little girl who left me almond tofu on rooftop for months dosent even know how looks like the yaksha she left it for?"

"Wait you knew i left it for months!?" i exlaimed in suprise befoure shuting up. Sleeping classmates (y/n)!!

"Ofcorse i knew. How manny times you rolled off the rooftop and into the pool?" was he mocking me now? Or was he simply saying it. Xiao does live up to his emotionless reputation.

Wait. So he have seen thoses moments too.."why you never tok it?" i asked while crossing my hands. I was but hurt to say.  Watching Xiao cross his arms over his muscular chest i couldnt help but to check him out. "I have my reasons why. Just as why parents have they reasons to say stranger danger" ofcorse they have.

"Was i that scary as a kid?" i asked again befoure uncrossing my arms. "Nah you were cute thats why i kissed you not bited you along digging my nails in your skin tasting your blood instead of nightmare you had that night" ok. Yandere much? But with his zero emotion expresion it was hard to see if he was sarcastic or not. And it scared me a little bit.

But to leave it all in the past. I had bigger quesion to ask him. "Why where you inside there?" if he was still alive. And breathing. Then why was he inside there? "I have my reasons. Now are you coming with me on your own or i take you by force?"

"Wait WHATS!?"

"You heard me"

Excuse me. I just met this adepti. Not counting the past one time where he kissed me. Or watched me for months. I just met him. And why does he wants me to go along him? My love for this yaksha is one big intress and childhood beliving. Im not crazy enough to simply follow him.

Third pov

~164 years later~


Is that how you and daddy met?" the 154 year old daughter looked at her mom who told the story of they meeting for the first time. "Yes sweetheart. But that dosent mean you can follow just anyone who tells you to alraight?" (y/n) told her daughter while booping her nose. "Alraight mommy! I wont follow strangers!"

The small immortal yaksha smiled happily. "I finnaly got to know how mommy and daddy met! Huray!!" Xiao walked into the room while eating his favorite dish almond tofu. "Sweetheart. If anyone kisses you while your sleeping. Call out daddy's name ok? I will be there when you call"

"Is that why mommy called you so often last night?" the child titled her head a bit to side being still young and confused kid she was.

(Y/n) almost chocked on her drink befoure shaking her head. "Sweetheart. Someday your gonna understand it ok. But lets drop it for now ok?" "ok!" the girl happily replied befoure running back to play with her toys.

"Xiao you told me th-"

"Dont start now love. Last night you werent complaining at all"

A/n: I cant do pt2 for life ಥ⌣ಥ same as finishing a book ╥﹏╥
If i ever do pt2. Expect timeskip.

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