~Alatus~ My Lovely Nightmare Pt1

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A/n: Alatus is Xiao real name. The story takes place in past befoure he was saved but i will use the names of characters living now.

(Y/n) pov

I was running. Running from my worst nightmare i had in years..it sent shivers down my spine. I didnt want to look back. I didnt want to see it. I didnt want to hear it. I didnt want to smell it. Tears were bulding up my eyes as i kept running and running. I felt like my legs would give out soon. And it would cath up to me.

I cried and screamed.

But nothing could stop that thing. Nothing could wake me up. Nothing could save me from this. Nothing.

Soon i was on edge of the cliff. But in reality. I was on mountain. When i looked back. It was gone. My nightmare was gone...this was complectly different place. It was smoky. High. And not so scary. At least i couldnt find this place scary after somehow escaping my horrifying nightmare.

I saw the full moon glow. It was the only way. I could see anything in this place. Without it. I would be left in complect darkness. When i looked up at the moon. My breathing stoped. And my eyes widened even more. There was man. No.

A demon.

He was standing on top of the cliff. With was higher than me. His clothing was hard for me to make out in this smoke. But it was style i had never seen befoure. He had spear in his arm. As another one was holding a mask. And thats when i notices. His eye.

It was glowing. Amber colored. It felt like he was looking trought my soul. Finding it disqusting to even spare one single glance at. He would look like statue if it wasnt for his eye being so. Realistic.

"W-who a-are you?" i had to glup down my fear. But i couldnt. Because of the feeling i felt. The energy i felt coming from his was. Horrible. It was. Like i was under water in need of air along with my skin being pulled off me while i struggled to breath. But at same time.

It wasnt that bad.

I could feel at home. If it wasnt for the radiation from him being so strong and hatefull. As if. He wanted me to feel all this. So bad that it would kill him i didnt felt this way. Even for second.

"C-can you e-even talk? I-i know sign language. I-if you c-cant speak.." i felt so stupid now. This was just a bad dream. But if it was. Why only he. Only he felt so real in all of this?

For moment i could think that he realy was a statue. But now i could would wish he realy was. As he put on his mask not tying it or anything. As he walked towards me. The mask was horrifying. And the closer he got. The better i could see him. Spare for the smoke ofcorse. But at soon as scent on blood hit my nose i had to hold myself from puking.

I looked away trying not to gag. Covering my mouth with my hands. And when i turned back i was face to face with him. Face to face with this mask. Wanting to look anywhere else. I looked down. And our scenary had changed again. It was river. Blood river. Bloody half skeleton hands was trying to grab me. And drag me down along them.

Now we both where on simple rock. Just few inches from touching the blood. Just feet away from each others. The hands started to grab my legs and pulled me in the blood. As they left him alone. I wanted to fight back. But i couldnt. I wanted to scream. To cry. But nothing came out anymore.

It was like i was mute. And he wasnt. I looked at him. His mask now gone. I could see his both glowing amber eyes so perfectly. With no emotions. But i swore that for split second i saw sadness and regret. As his mouth opened. I was already under the blood. Being dragged deeper and deeper down it.

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