Birthday Headcanons (I Tried)

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A/n: I never have done headcanons. And this is my excuse of Xiao birthday present.
Edit belong to me ^•^


Teach him meaning of b-day. Get him Almond Cake and he will be happy. Heck just call his name. Spend time with him. AND make Almond Tofu witu him. Best Day Ever for Xiao. Just. Dont over step it. He or he might vanish. Maybe make 100 Almond Tofus and he might think about coming back. I mean. Cant waist thoses 100 Almond Tofus now can we?

For present. Well. Almond Tofu. And maybe even some free 24hours without any trouble and enemies. This man needs to relax. So maybe suggest something like giving him massage? Or convince him to take small nap. Ofc he would denie it and harsly tease you for getting him killed with your protection. But he would sleep so peacfull that the hillichurl attack wasnt obvious to him at all. Ofc you won and he denies of there ever being battle "i would have heard it"

He'll get you Almond Tofu with he made himself. He calls it "Sweet dream" as he used to devour dreams. And he will alsp get you 10 crystal flies with messege. And dont forrget to call for his name and spend time with him!! He wants it! Starve touched adepti even gave you chace to call for him. No matter whats that day.

Xiao says that this day for him is just like any other day. But ofcorse he wishes to be called by you. Heck he even gave you present when this day meant nothing to him!! I wonder. Can you just call or maybe even moan his name and he'll apear? Cuz i bet if you moan it there would apear blushing Xiao with side look or back facing you.

I bet he would show up. Litellary infront of you any moment in that day and be like. "Please spend this day with me" even as you are in middle of kicking or getting kicked your butt by Childe. But ofc as Xiao being your boyfriend. He would just glare at Childe with his yaksha mask on and Childe will leave and give you the needed artifacts and talent materials.

Red Xiao

Boy. If he wasnt clingy and flirt enough. Then expect him to be dirty too. Well. More dirty than usual. "But honeey~~ this say is special for me~~ why my lover dosent wannt join me in bed now?~~ (Only now. I will keep it gender neutural. Always can be requested male or neutural!) Ahem. Make sure you always stay away from humans. Because pda for this man? Haha no. It all went in the trash.

Present. Your body? But to be respectfull gentelman. He WONT force you. Even if your ready or have had sex befoure. Though its his birthday. He will make you feel like its yours. If you decide to join him in the bed actions he have prepared. Spend time with him. Never leave his side for whole day. Bassicaly be his walking present. Maybe even get cute bow on your head.

Present for you. Isint him in flesh already good? May let you borrow his clothes for only this day. So you can both match. Ofcorse making sure you have shirt that every other man can smell. And to know that your taken for life. Not that you complain.

Even thought Xiao acts around you everyday the same. And the days are same to him. He cant help but want to celebrate his birthday with you. Because its one special day he can be by your side for whole day. Because you got free from commisions that day. And any enemy camp you came across. It was emty and destroyed already. Why? Xiao never answered.

You never left his side. But if there would come up urgent mission. Like world would end in next 5hours if nothing is done. Red Xiao would just pick you up. And say "Sorry. But this will have to wait till tomorow" befoure vanishing with you. Ofc he was obvious that there was no tomorow. But Red Xiao was not gonna risk losing you.


Birthday? Whats that? Does his master will request more kill for today? You have to slowy explain Alatus what is birthday. He's like Xiao but. Not so cold. Yet. Just wait few thousand years and deaths.

Your present for him? I think with Alatus almost always being under his master watch. Your present for him could be taking on his duties for the day. Or if the master feels good that day. May take you off to walks. Just. Dont take him anywhere near snowy areas. He's depresion will get better of him and Alatus will start eating snow.

His present for you. Good question. I think Alatus would i dont know. Feel like he needs to repay you. With snow cake? But if you avoid snowed areas he still somehow manages to get snow cake. Heck go to hell. Snow cake. But maybe on other hand. He would get flowers for you. Well. Tried getting flowers.

I think Alatus would think nothing of this day. Like. Nothing at all. If Xiao would want to spend time then Alatus wouldnt want to. But if you manage to talk him into. Better show him some good time and tell some stupif or funny jokes befoure he decides to eat your dreams next. Or just let you fall off a cliff.

You made the deal with devil and got Alatus by your side for whole day. Congrats. Now. Alatus would show very beautifull scenary who he was one day coming home after killing spree. And found it beautifull. As very romatic looking place. Its up to you. Make move and kiss him. Or dont and possibly regret it your whole life.

Modern Au Xiao

Birthday. No one realy knew when was Xiao b-day. But you knew. And he liked to spend it with you. Movies. Popcorn. And no mentioning it tomorow. Yep. But first. Talk Xiao into celebrating his birthday and dont let anyone else know. Or else he will avoid you for rest of the day.

Present for him. It would be tottaly up to you. Byt ofcorse there will be food. Almond Tofu cookies. No cakes. Hiding his birthday till you get to his home to spend time together.

His present for you? Well. I think Xiao would try to show more affection. And would try to hold your hand time for time. But ofcorse keyword is: TRY. You gotta meet his hand in the halfway and he'll finnaly gonna hold it.

Xiao would want to forrget that his birthday exists. But he promised you to celebrate it. And so Xiao would try to do anything to make the day free to spend it with you. Even thought he would denie it all and just say something like "my dad Zhongli made me celebrate my birthday and didnt let me do anything related to usual stuff" and he tottaly blames his dad for having to spend time with you.

'His dad made him spend time with you' he will do anything to spend it with you. Mostly in secretly because. Xiao will stay Xiao. And Xiao's pride is higher than moon in the skies. But once you are traped in his arms. You are traped for whole night. You need bathroom? No you dont. Make sure you tok if befoure getting traped in Xiao's hands.

A/n: im so sorry if its bad. I have NEVER writen headcanons😅

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