Modern Xiao ~Small gift~

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A/n: I almost started Gorou, Kazuha and Hanako oneshots🥲 no no no i wanna keep working on this book🥲

I will slowly start to write again. But no promises..

Third pov

"Hey Xingqiu. Do you think Xiao will kill me if i wished him happy birthday?" the (h/c) haired girl asked her bestfriend who was sitting in his seat on her left. "If your wishing just happy birthday then no. But if your gifting him a gift then" the blue haired boy looked at the package the girl was holding befoure looking back at her.

"Possibilty. But depending on what you give him. The rumours are not the best ones" Xiao was the school's most popular guy. Not counting him being popular he was also very much feared of his coldness and not fear to punch someone. If they even just slighty pissed him off.

"Oh um. I made him a lunch box. Homemade almond tofu. Its litellary only thing anyone know's about him. Thats is true ofcorse. Beside the schools rumours." the girl replied as she looked over the boy sitting 3 seats futher away from her. "I just wish he wouldnt reject me too harsh. The present i mean"

"You like him" now thoses words made the girl almost jump in her seat. "Whats!? No i dont!! I agree that he is attractive as hell but i dont like him that way!! I dont go for looks! I got for the personality and their heart!! Not to mention i would like to fall in love with them for who they are not just some rumours!!!" (y/n) defended herself rather loudly earning herself alot of attention. Including Xiao's.

Xingqiu blinked at the girl befoure smiling. "I know (n/n). I was just teasing you, you know. And besides. People are watching" he pointed out as one of the mean girl spoke up. "What good is about someone who would punch anyone out of blue. I mean look at him. The only reasons Xiao is popular is his looks. Why would anyone realy like that loser for him?"

(Y/n) rolled her eyes befoure crossing arms on her chest. "The only reason your saying this is because he rejected you infront of the whole school. And you were humiliated that day. And i bet Xiao is not a bad person! Just because rumours say one it dosent mean he is realy like that" the girl just rolled her eyes befoure smirking. "Rumours are created from evidence darling" "What evidence? The lies other boys started? Yeah. Such a evidence" This time (y/n) rolled her eyes.

The mean girl glared at (y/n) befoure her attention was caught by the present on the table. Snatching away the note next to it she started to laugh. "Omg! Your so stupid are you not!? A present for Xiao on his birthday? Hoping he will like it? What are you his mom? His friend? Oh wait. He dosent have them"

As everyone in the class started to talk to each others (y/n) suddenly slapped the mean girl across ger face. "You dont even know that! And what if he dosent have anyone!? I would better choose no one rather than fake friends like you. Maybe he had lost him mom! Maybe he has a tragical past that made him this way! But it dosent mean that we can just make some bad rumours about him!!!"

Xingqiu suddenly tugged on his bff's sleeve. "Uh. (Y/n)? You may wanna uh. Shut up for a moment" the already angey girl turned around to face Xingqiu "Whats!? No!! Im not letting her put someone in bad light because of rejection!! I belive that Xiao is not a bad guy!! Just because he is quite and cold dosent mean he is different in bad ways!!"

Xingqiu stayed silent as he was now looking past her. Looking at someone. And not only him but a whole class was. Including the mean girl. (Y/n) still mad and now confused turned around expecting a teacher to scold her but was met with two golden eyes with made her eyes to widen.

Xiao was standing right infront of her. Saying nothing and making no movements at all. His face was blank not giving away any emotions. "I think you have something for me?" as he finnaly asked the girl almost jumped to the ceiling "A-ah! Yes! The present!!" turning around she quikly grabbed the wrapped up lunch box befoure giving it to him.

Xiao silently tok it and opened it up. Staring at the almond tofu the girl started to explain how she wanted to give him something for his birthday and that she only knew one true thing about him was him loving almond tofu.

As Xiao looked back up at her he gave her a small smile with a "Thank you" and boy. Did the whole class faint of seing Xiao smile. Even the mean girl had to keep down the gasp of seeing him smile. "Would you and your friend would like to join me for lunch today?" another shock for the whole class.

And soon enought to whole school was shocked. As the trio was sitting together at one table and laughing at silly jokes. And it became even more shocking for them and livier for the table as Chongyun and Aether with his sister joined them.

A/n: i havent written anything for so long and i had no real ideas. So it turned out. Like this. Ehehe😅

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