Elfattapol Kingdom

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The castle of the elves is a humongous beautiful castle; its walls are white and shining,with ceilings of luxurious blue tiles sparkling under the bright sunlight. It's a magical ornate castle on a hill above the serendipity forest. The land around it and trees are all covered with stunning, white flowers, beautiful magical creature and animals were playing ,running and jumping through the green and white spaces. Elfattapol Kingdom is known as the most beautiful and peaceful ELF kingdom in the history of serendipity forests. The gate is also white and shining, it's huge and well designed. Guard Elves are hiding everywhere to protect the castle; nobody ever knows where they're hiding, especially the enemies. They're all strong and great fighters even though they look soft and nice.

Max, is one of the sons of Elfattapol kingdom, he is known as the gorgeous and strongest moon elf among them all. His hair is white; his skin is light and soft. He is tall with well built curves. His muscles strain against the fabric at his forearms, biceps and chest. Calves are bulkier than normal, the back broadened with muscle layers and a neck which appears wider at the base. His shining smile that never leaves his beautiful face is what makes him unique and even more loved by everyone around him. He is sweet and nice, like taking care of people. He's also caring and lovable; his friendly personality makes it easy for him to emphasize with the people around him and become friends with them. His heart is the purest ever and the kindest; everyone loves him from the youngest baby elf to the oldest elf in the kingdom. He likes to walk in the forest and play with the animals and creatures there, and he loves sitting under the moonlight at night and listen the sound of the forest and feel the wind that's flowing.

Elfattapol family is a lovely one; everyone is kind and friendly in it. They mutually respect each other and stick together in the hard times and enjoy the good times; a real perfect family.

They have a special tradition in the kingdom, they plant a sparkling white flower every time they are happy, when an elf dies they plant a tree with their name on it; because they believe that in that way the planet and forest will be satisfied and they'll be even happier in their lives. They protect every creature there and don't like to hurt any of them.

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