"S P A R K L E S"

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"Stay still" Max instructed Tul.

He lifted his hand up while staring at him focused, white sparkles showed up around his hand and as soon as he pointed his finger towards him, Tul's outfit changed from black to shining white color. He stood there shocked and checked his outfit; it was his first time ever wearing something that wasn't black.

"What is that for Max?" He asked.

"Nothing actually, I'm just afraid someone might see you and know you're coming from the ellipsism forest." Max replied, and held Tul's hand pulling him behind him while running through the forest.

"Look" he suddenly stopped and pointed at a sparkling jewel-blue stream, curved gently through the forest it was flickering like glitter on the surface. "I always come here and sit by the riverbank and read my favorite books or play with the dudus. There are fishes in the river as well, they make me happy just watching them play in the water and jump from one side to another"he added. Tul was staring at Max who was so excited to show him the river in front of them; he never thought blue hair would ever look this beautiful on someone. While he was staring at him, Max turned towards him smiling widely, as soon as he looked at him Tul's blue eyes that had changed from red to blue color and started sparkling even more than they were doing before and the color became even clearer.

"hm?" Max hummed while looking at Tul staring at him with sparkling eyes.

"Oh!" Tul took his eyes off Max quickly and averted his sight to the river Max was showing him. "The river is beautiful, I love it, it's so gorgeous..." Tul added and scratched the back of his neck.

"Yes it is!! Come with me! I need to show you something else" Max said loudly and grabbed Tul's arm while walking and jumping; he was too excited and happy at that time, Tul has never seen someone who smiles that wide before. Everyone in his kingdom is either angry or is just so lazy to do so, it's like sadness and darkness are the only thing for them and he didn't know that happiness would be this beautiful. Max stopped and whistled softly, a little beautiful white fairy appeared. She flew towards Tul's face and stared at him while singing softly, then proceeded to land its small soft hand on Tul's nose and looked at Max.

"Is that your soulmate Max?" she asked him and looked again at Tul's nose.

"Huh?" Tul replied.

"Why are you asking this little Fai?" Max asked he lifted his hand up for her to stand on it.

"Oh nothing, you'll know why I asked about this later." She replied and flew again towards Tul, she indicated to him to raise his hand so that she will be able to stand on it and he did.

"Take good care of him and protect him, do not lose each other because of anything..." she added and smiled.

"What do you mean?" they both asked her at the same time but she didn't reply them and smiled at the both of them softly, at that moment her color changed from white to sparkling sapphire blue color. "I better go now, Fairy Queen Yihwa must be looking for me" she said and flew away.

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