~F E E L I N G S~

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"They don't actually, it was all just a lie made by our kingdoms" Tul said answered Foei as they're walked through the black trees.

"Why would they lie about this?" Foei asked and picked a black leaf from the floor, tearing it up slowly as he's focused with Tul.

"I have no idea but I will know the reason one day" Tul replied, picked another leaf and gave it to him "you're still the same as always, picking leaves to tear them up, why don't you just collect them?" he added and giggled.

"Why would I collect them when I can feel good hurting them?" Foei said "Anyways, what will you do? Will you keep talking and bringing your so called elf friend here?"

Tul looked at Max who was walking on his left side, he didn't say anything but nodded and smiled while staring at Max playfully playing with the black leaves. "Did you just smile? That's weird" Foei rolled his eyes "okay, but protect him well... now I have to go find something to eat I'm feeling hungry" he said, became a bird again and flew away. As soon as he left, Tul turned to Max and started watching him being all fluffy and happy with the leaf.

"It's beautiful" Tul said.

"hm?" Max replied to him confused while he kept playing with the leaf "what's beautiful?" he asked and stopped to look at Tul.

"You are... I mean truthfully, even the smallest thing in life can make you smile bright even if it is dark" Tul replied while staring at him with a smile on his face.

"Your smile right now is even more beautiful, do you know that?" Max walked closer to Tul, he raised his hand to Tul's cheek and touched it gently. "Do that more often Tul" he added. Their eyes didn't stop looking at each other for a while before they realize that they are doing so.

"Oh, what are leaves called tul?" Max said trying to change the subject.

"Why would we call the leaves? Do your tree leaves have a name?" Tul asked.

"We don't, I just wanted to ask" Max said and placed his hand on his neck embarrassed, avoiding eye contact with him, his cheeks were turning red and his blue hair started sparkling even more than it did before. Tul was staring at him and he couldn't help but smile softly. "That's weird" Max said while looking at him"

"What's weird?" Tul asked.

"Your eyes are shining even more than they were before, the blue is more sparkling just like glitter... and you are smiling?" Max replied while staring at Tul's eyes. "And I feel something right inside my chest burning? What is this?"

"I am feeling the same too?" Tul replied and touched his own chest wondering what that feeling is. Blue colored glittery smoke showed up on each of them, their bodies were covered with this blue smoke like they were burning softly. They dreamingly looked at each other's eyes, they didn't know what they were feeling at that time other than their chest burning and they couldn't take their eyes off each other.

"Do you want to sit somewhere max?" Tul asked.

"Let's go to serendipity forest and sit next to the river?" Max suggested.

Tul nodded and they went directly there, they sat for hours chatting about anything and everything.

While they were having fun talking and getting to know each other more, soft voices appeared from behind them "MAX!!! MAX!!! I miss you so much!" "Oh my god my favorite elf is here!!" "Hey you girls can you fly slowly I am so lazy here! And stop shouting you're so annoying gosh!" "Hey!! Max how are you?" as they turned around they found a number of beautiful colorful fairies flying their way.

"Hello beauties, I miss you all!" Max said smiling widely while all the fairies sat on his shoulder and only one left that couldn't find a place to sit. "AAAAAAAAAA WHY IS IT ALWAYS ME THE UNLUCKY ONE?!" beautiful red fairy yelled with her soft small voice that barely anyone can hear, her eyebrows pulled down together, glaring eyes, her cheeks turned all red just like the stunning bright pearl sapphire red color of her hair, dress and wings as she puffed them and her lips became thinner as she closed them softly.

"You're so cute" Tul said and raised his hand for her to stand on it.

"Are you talking about me mr. I don't know who you are?" Red fairy Jane jumped on his hand angry "I am not cute, I am pretty!" she added and Tul couldn't but giggle because she was so cute.

"Okay pretty, now relax" he replied giggling.

"I am relaxed why you think I'm angry?" she said glaring at Tul. Little fairy Mint, the baby blue colored fairy flew towards Jane and asked her to stop shouting and go sit in her place, so she did.

"It has been so long since we last saw you Max! How have you been? Who's that pretty bean with you?" Purple Fairy Yihwa asked and flied towards Tul satisfied with the beauty she's seeing in front of her, touching his face with her tiny white hands to appreciate his perfect features.

"That's my friend, his name is Tul" Max replied.

"Oh Tul, you're so handsome, how can you be this perfect? Look at that skin, those blue eyes... He's so cute you've got a good taste Max" she said and turned around to look at Max and noticed his blue blue hair "Anyways Max, you've got blue hair... wait a moment!" she yelled and looked at White fairy Fai. "Tul's eyes are blue too... Are you guys thinking what I'm thinking?" peachy pink Fairy Sammy said and flied over closer to Tul's eyes, touched his eyelashes and examinated closely the blue color in his eyes. "Yes I am, but shut up for now" Jane replied.

"You girls know what the blue color stands for?" Max asked curious "if you do please tell us, I've been searching about this a lot but I couldn't find anything about blue color"

"It's not the right time for this now Max, you'll know about it when it's right to know" Yihwa replied and caressed Tul's beautiful skin. "His skin is so beautiful, please give me your secret!" she added. Tul giggled and softly pat her tiny head with his pinky finger "this fairy is so adorable hahaha" he said.

"OH! Fairies let's play the elfie game" Max said and used magic to bring a white and golden tree leaf "Whoever has this leaf will be following the others to catch them and the person they catch should do something as asked, okay?" he added and threw the leaf in the air "Now catch it!!" . Everyone ran towards the leaf, Tul caught it first and started running behind them to catch them. As he was running behind max, he almost caught him but as soon as he grabbed his shirt, he tripped with a stick of white wood that was on the floor and suddenly found himself on top of Max, looking into his eyes, with their lips were touching, they were both startled.

They were staring at each other for a while, Tul couldn't get up yet, and he wanted to stare more into these beautiful eyes in front of him and couldn't resist himself but keep his lips touching Max's. A strong blue light showed up above them at that instant, they could feel each other's heart beats getting faster and faster. None of them wanted this to stop. Yihwa, Mai the dark blue fairy and fai in the back were fangirling and everyone could hear small sounds coming from the three of them, these three were so happy just like they won a big prize.

"Oh my god I'm so late, why didn't you guys wait for me?" Black and Silver fairy Jeed said while flying towards them. "WOW, what's happening?! Guess I shouldn't have come that early, let me go back to sleep" she added and turned around to leave, but couldn't leave because Mai and Smile the baby blue colored fairy caught her so that she doesn't leave "you've been sleeping all day long, don't you dare leave" they both said. "Yeah, some sleep all day while others work all day long" Red fairy Jane said.

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