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"YIHWA! YIHWA!!! ARE YOU THERE?!" he shouted, jumping nervously.

"Hey, why are you yelling?" she asked as she flew out of her tree towards Tul. "are you okay?"

"I am okay, but I need to ask you something" he said.

"I met a unicorn and he said, he said that he was our guardian..." he said, when Yihwa decided to interrupt him.

"Oh! Great is such an amazing unicorn. He is one of our best friends, it's been so long since we last saw him. He's so handsome too, oh my god!" She said "ok... and? What's wrong with that?"

"He gave me this flower" he took out a white and black rose and showed it to he as he continued "...and he asked me to take good care of it and use it to save Max... but I don't know anything about it, because when he was talking, he just disappeared slowly and didn't continue what he was saying" he added and shoved the black and white rose closer to her, so she'll be able to have a better look at it and help him understand.

"Hide it, don't show it here!" she said pushing his hand to hide the rose inside his pocket "Don't ever show this to anyone from any of the two kingdoms, if they steal it, you won't be able to save him... anyways, Great disappeared because his power is in this flower, he's your guardian unicorn and this flower is his power which protects you both... and he just gave it to you to save Max"

"Will he comeback?" Tul asked.

"I'm not sure" she replied and gently rubbed her cheeks.

"Hmmm... and how does this flower work? Do you know anything about it?" he added.

"It needs purity... Pure heart, pure love, pure..." she stopped hesitant to say it as she remembered something. She stared at her hands for a few seconds, silent and sadness was drawn on her face.

"Pure what?" he replied "Are you okay? Yihwa!" he lifted his hand up for her to sit on it so she did as she looked so sad, so sad that Tul could feel it too. She shook her head as she couldn't continue speaking and burst in crying.

"Something bad will happen Tul... I can feel that..." she said and cried like a baby.

"What? Please don't make me overthink this, just tell me directly what will happen Yihwa!" Tul said and a tear fell down on his cheek, as he tried to get a hold of himself but couldn't.

"I'm sorry Tul, I can't tell you this... but you should find him as soon as possible... remember Purity is the only way to save him" she said, her bright purple color faded to slightly greyish "When something happens... don't panic... just remember this flower..." she added.

As time passed, he was still sitting under the fairy's tree. Something felt heavy in his chest, a feeling of anxiety swam in his heart. He couldn't breathe normally and his heart started beating way too fast that he could hear it banging against his ribcage with force. He heard a small voice in his head saying "Light", a voice that was so familiar, he knew it very well but it was distant that he couldn't distinguish the sound clearly. He felt like he was in jail and something inside of him is asking him to run away. Something is not feeling right both in his mind and chest.

"What's happening" he said and buried his head in his arms.

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