Where are you?

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"You're finally back home..." Mr. Vampakorn said with in deep angry tone. "Where were you, Tul?" he added and sat on his huge black throne.

"Yeah, I'm home. Where would I be other than the forest?" Tul replied lazily "Can I go to my room now, father?" he asked and rolled his eyes.

"I didn't know you had friends other than Foei..." the other added as he stared motionlessly straight at Tul's face. "And your friend is a... ehm... an elf? Don't you know that you're prohibited to talk to elves?"

"I know." Tul replied coldly while playing with his black stick and watching it hit his hand softly.

"Great that you know... and don't let me find out that you met him again. You're not allowed to meet this ugly creature again." His dad said.

"You can't stop me." Tul said and smirked "You have always been stopping me from doing what I love and what I wanted... but not this time, mr. vampakorn."

As soon as he said that his dad walked closer to him and grabbed his face "You dare see him again" he said and pushed Tul to the floor.

"Are you even a father? Have you ever considered what I like and what I don't?" Tul yelled and the red color in his eyes was getting redder and redder by the second.


Tul stood infront of Max who's sat on the rock next to the black river with his hands wrapped around tul's waist, Tul's hands resting on Max's shoulders playing with his hair softly, twirling it around his finger, kissing his nose every minute with their eyes never leaving each other; they just couldn't get enough of each other, they are so much in love that they could hear their hearts beating so fast and couldn't stop themselves from kissing the each other whenever they felt like it.

"You're so beautiful" Tul said, caressing Max's cheek sweetly "Oh I forgot! I was making something for you all night long yesterday, I forgot it... wait for me 5 minutes I will be back!" he said while letting Max's shoulders go and moved backmoving back. Max grabbed his arm while pouting, tul knew then that Max was afraid to stay alone in the dark; he has never been in such a place on his own, plus he fears the darkness so bad that it gives him a kind of feeling like he wants to cry, he never feel secure in dark places.

"If someone comes to you, don't talk to them Max... I promise I won't be late don't go anywhere" Tul added and leaned closer to Max kissing his forehead softly "I'll be back" he said while moving farther.

Everyone who knows Max knows that he is one of the softhearted elves in his kingdom, he is extremely sensitive that he can break easily even though he is the strongest elf there, he is so scared of the darkness and his powers doesn't seem to function well there and they were nothing compared to the powers of the vampires of the Ellipsism forest.

"What's happening?!" he said as he slowly started feeling anxious "Tul where are you? I can't see anything" his breath started getting faster and faster as if he was losing it, feeling pain in his chest while something blocked his eyesight , he couldn't see anything. So confused, he didn't know what's happening nor what to do as he felt a hand as cold as ice touching his face blocking his mouth, and another grabbing his hands, tied a rope around them making him unable to move or fight back; he didn't expect something would happen.

"Didn't he know that he shouldn't leave someone like you, alone... in this forest?" an unknown voice was whispering in his ears making his tears fall.

"What are you going to do to me" Max had found the strength to speak up. He didn't know how long he'd be able to keep it up. Max's breathing became heavier, his thoughts were clouded with anxiety; wondering what would this person do to him. He was weak, couldn't fight — he'll lose for sure if he did; being an elf inside the vampire's kingdom is like being in prison where you can't even breath, vampires are so much more stronger than they are. The only thing he could do then was sweat all over his body trying to think of a way to escape but his feelings of anxiety blocked his mind from working in the right way.

"Tul... tul save me...tu..." he was saying when he lost consious because of the smell on the hand that had grabbed his face. And then they disappeared into thin air, with Max in their grasp.


"Max? Where did you go?" Tul walked back to the place they were sitting "huh? Did he panic and go back home? I told him not to" Tul pouted and walked towards the Serendipity forest to find Max. On his way to the white kingdom, fairy Jeed flew towards himat lighting speed, breathless, scared, yelling with her soft small voice, panicking.

"TUL YOU HAVE TO DO SOMETHING!" she yelled at out.

A/N: hello, I hope everyone is doing well lately. Thank you so much for supporting me and reading this story! It means a lot to me <3 don't forget to give me a small vote  if you liked  this chapter and follow me <3  I really appreciate your opinions and suggestions <3 i love you all <3

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