a friend?

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"You changed my outfit last time to white, it's my turn to change yours to black now" Tul said and pointed two of his fingers at Max and black smoke appeared around them as he was saying a spell. Max's clothes became completely black, and then tul placed his hat on Max's head to hide the shape of his ears.

"Let's go" he said, holding max's hand softly and walked slowly.

Max was following him excited and smiling widely, when they entered the Ellipsism forest Max felt a little bit scared; the place was way too dark for him, he has never been in such darkness because usually when the night comes at the Serendipity forest, the white color of the trees, the river, the fairies and magical creatures of Serendipity Forest all sparkled under the moonlight, shining everywhere so the night wouldn't seem as dark as the Ellipsism forest. He took a deep breath while following Tul, the other felt as if there's something wrong with him, he turned around to look at him, he found him frightened with his eyes were closed.

Tul couldn't stop himself from smiling; Max was so cute while being scared before his eyes.

"Why did you stop? Am I gonna die?" Max said with a broken voice.

"Haha, yes. My creatures are here to kill you, you were tricked!" Tul said and put his hand on frightened cutie standing in front of him.

"No! I don't want to die. Why did you deceive me?!!" Max yelled and started crying like a little baby.

"Hahaha, did you really believe that I might do something like that? You don't trust me, do you?" Tul said and giggled, he came closer to him, his face facing Max's face so close that they could feel each other's breath. "Don't worry about that gorgeous elf, and trust me, I'm protecting you." He added and caressed max's shining blue hair

"Look there" Tul pointed at the black river of the Ellipsism forest, and walked closer to it. "You showed me your shining river; I'm showing you mine as well. It has nothing special but the black color of the water, there's no fishes or any creature in it because of course they can't live in it. But..." he pulled Max's behind him on the riverside till they reached a red colored rock. "I have so many memories on this rock, it's not happy as your memories and your forest, but I still love it here so much. It was my escape from everyone back when I was a child; my parents were always hard on me, wanting me to do whatever they think is right even though it wasn't what I wanted to do... I have never actually done something new or something that I actually like to do. They never asked me about what I like and what I don't, I never had an opinion while I'm with them... so I am used to being alone escaping the truth that they want me to be just like them and never speak what I really wanted to..." Tul said while staring at the red rock "this rock was a friend to me".

"Now come with me" he added and grabbed his hand softly and began walking. He yelled something that Max couldn't understand and a bird appeared on his shoulder. It was big; its color was black and beautiful silver.

"Meet Foei, my friend the bird" Tul said.

"Oh, such a beautiful bird! Can I hold it?" Max replied astonished by the beauty of this creature.

"Sure!" Tul said and told his bird to go to Max.

As it came to him, Max raised his hand to let the pretty bird stand on it. He smiled widely and caressed its head softly.

"This man is so gorgeous!" the bird suddenly talked and enjoyed Max caressing its head.

"It can talk!" Max yelled and smiled even wider "oh, you're gorgeous too pretty bird" he added.

"Anyways Tul, why are your eyes blue? They're usually red? Are you sick?" The bird asked "and who is this Tul? You never told me you have a friend. I've never seen him in our forest either, how can I not see a person as beautiful as him!" Foei the bird said while staring at Max's stunning face and smile and it suddenly turned into a person form.

"Oh, you can be a person too!" Max said shocked.

Foei walked around Max watching every detail of his face. "Beautiful shining white skin that I can't handle looking at, wow that's too bright! Such a great shaped nose and stunning eyes, Blue hair? Why is his hair blue? None in our kingdom got blue hair..." he took the hat off Max's head "Leaf like ears... Leaf li... Oh wait a minute! OH MY GOD TUL WHO IS THAT?!DID YOU BRING AN ELF HERE" he yelled and suddenly a sound of a high-pitched chirp coming form an eagle that fled in the sky as soon as Foei yelled.

"Foei don't yell, they will hear you!!" Tul said and placed his hand on his mouth stopping him from yelling again. "I'll explain to you, don't put him in danger please!" he added and took his hands off Foei's mouth.

"What do you mean you will explain, you know they're prohibited to enter here and we're prohibited to go to their forest and kingdom too?" Foei said while panicking. "Anyways, why didn't he die yet? I thought they die if they enter here?"

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