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At the same time, Max was still alone in the dark. His anxiety getting worse and worse with time, his breathing was getting heavier and harsher. He just wanted to get out of this hellhole and forget this ever happened but he had a feeling that he won't be able to survive.

"Light..." he murmured quietly; his voice could barely be heard "I need light..." he added as lock of his white hair turned pearl sapphire blue.

On the other side, Tul was sitting in a place where nobody could find him. Thinking about how he could save his man, and where he could be. As he was thinking he noticed a small ray of light coming out of his pocket where the flower was hidden.

"Eh? What's that?" he said, looked around him making sure nobody was there and took the flower out of his pocket. It started jumping above his hand like it was nervous and wanting something to happen fast, making tiny rays of lights appear.

What's wrong, he thought.

As soon as he said that, the flower gave him another ray of blue light and he heard the sound in his head again saying "I need light..." but this time it was clear, he knew that voice very well. He stood up in the speed of light panicking, is that Max? a dark place? He thought. And when he asked that, the flower in his hands drew a light on the ground where Great appeared again.

"Yes, a dark place..." he said "OH I GOT MY BODY BACK?" exclaimed in surprise the beautiful unicorn.

"Oh, it's you! Can you tell me what's happening now? I am losing my mind!" Tul yelled at him "you do seem nice but at least tell me what I should know before you disappear again!!" he couldn't hold in his anger and just started yelling at him, worried about his man and trying to find a way to save him from his evil family.

"Relax, don't yell at me I am a soft-hearted unicorn I might start crying in any second if you keep yelling like that" Great replied as some scared weird expression showed up on his face.

"Speak before I start yelling even louder" Tul shouted showing his fangs, his eyes turning redder and black smoke appeared around him.

"Ow! An angry vampire, somebody should save me!" He said and giggled making Tul even angrier "okay so first of all, can you tell me what you are feeling at the moment?" he added and walked closer to Tul.

"Why do you care about what I feel?" Tul replied.

"I am just asking to let you know what's happening... please reply to my lovely cute question" unicorn said.

"How I feel? Scared, out of breath, my heart is beating so fast and there's so much pain in my chest. I've never felt something like that before... I feel like I am in a jail looking for a way out as I drown in anxiety?" Tul said and a blue heart popped up on Great's shoulder.

"You see that heart?" Great asked.

"Yeah..." Tul replied confused.

"I'll tell you something..." Great spoke and then sat on a rock "Soulmates..."

"Huh? I don't understand please explain." Tul said.

"Near or far, together or apart, you will always feel each other's emotions, pain, and happiness. Telepathy is always there in a soulmate connection; you know each other's thoughts and feelings straight away. Even if you are apart or long distanced you can feel each other's moods affecting you physically, emotionally and spiritually. You guys are soulmates, let your love for him lead you to him and save him on time..." Great added and walked to Tul, touched the flower gently "You little one, help them well." He moved his eyes from the flower up to Tul "And you... find your man and save him... remember that purity is the most important thing to make this flower's magic work..." he didn't continue and disappeared again.

Immortal Blue - MaxTulWhere stories live. Discover now