"I'm here, don't give up..."

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"Yihwa..." Tul stopped walking and looked around him, curiously observing the place as he has never seen it before. "I am the son of this kingdom and I've never seen this place before... what is this place?"

"Well... did they ever tell you about anything related to the family?" Yihwa turned around to look at Tul, her eyebrows raised up and her lips faking a smile.

"No..." Tul replied and scrubbed his forehead.

"Then they wouldn't tell you about such a secret place like that one" She added putting her hands on her hips.

"A secret place?" he tilted his head to the side, wondering why they might have a secret place in their kingdom and that he doesn't know about. Maybe because he had been against his parents since he was a child and against their stupid evil mindset, he thought.

"Let's go Tul, we're almost there... we'll know the reason later, now all we need to do is find Max" Yihwa said and pulled Tul by his pinky finger.

The flower inside Tul's pocket lit the way for Tul again as a sign that they arrived. In front of them was a huge black and silver door carved into the mountain which leads to a secret room inside. The weird thing was that the door directly opened when Tul touched it; because he is one of the Vampakorns he can actually do that, the only thing is that he never knew about this place's existence.

As they entered his heart felt the anxiety, the fear, and the sadness stronger now. He kneeled for a second as the pain in his chest was worse than ever. "Yihwa... why does it hurt more here" he asked and pointed his finger towards his chest.

"You're closer now" She raised her eyebrows and signaled him to look in front of him.

He looked up towards the way she was signaling him to look, the first thing he saw was Max tied to a chair, hopeless, unmoving, his face was paler than ever and his lips looked like a piece of wood. He ran faster than lightening and kneeled in front of him "MAX!" he yelled holding his face examining it "Max answer me! MAX!" he yelled again as he looked at other parts of his body making sure he wasn't hurt badly and then he noticed the paralyzing black rope that he has been tied with, he remembered at that moment that rope and that only their family could break it, that it is way too dangerous and especially for Elves... and it was tied all around his man.

"No no, no... no no no" he murmured while untying it, worry being the only emotion on his face "Max please say anything, tell me anything Max, look at me!" panicking Tul said trying to untie it as fast as he could.

As a hopeless Max heard Tul's voice and felt his touch as he untied the rope a little lazy smile of relief was drawn on his face "Tul..." his voice could barely be heard "Tul..." he said again and tears started sliding on his cheeks, his lips pulled shut together unable to make another sound; he was in so much pain, he felt hopeless and unable to do anything, he wanted to hug his man so bad, kiss him, see him... but he couldn't open his eyes nor speak a word, he couldn't even move his body. He didn't have the energy nor the power to do so and just ended up crying and smiling while hopelessly tied on the chair.

"I'm here Max, I'm here please don't give up. I'll take you out of here" Tul said holding gently Max's face kissing every detail on it. "I'm here"

"Take him out of here? As If you can do that" Cho said from behind him, he turned around to look at him he found Yihwa being held in his hand trying to escape but to no vale, his hands were too big for her and he was holding her way too tight she could barely breath.

"Yihwa!!!" he yelled and his eyes widened "Leave the girl alone!!"

"What if I don't? What can you do anyway?" Cho said while smirking and looking  at the fairy that's in his hand "Helping an elf survive, huh?" he added raising one of his eyebrows and holding the fairy even tighter.

"Leave me alone!" she cried, her feet kicking and her hands hitting his hand for him to let her go, but he didn't and made small cage with his magic and put her in it and threw the cage to the corner of the room.

"HEY! LET ME GO!!!" She started yelling but sadly nobody could hear her as her voice was extremely low.

"And now you two... Hahaha you want to save your beloved elf?" Cho added smirking, his eyes rolling in mockery. He looked behind him, smiled and signaled with his head for someone to enter. A few moments later Foei entered the room while staring at Tul, his eyes full of grudge and hatred.

" You! " Tul shouted pointed his finger towards Foei.

"You thought that I was your friend huh?" Foei said and stood next to Cho. "That's a nice joke Tul" he added and then looked at the guy next to him. After the other gave him a sign, he walked towards Tul and kicked him and then tied his hands together behind his back and dragged him farther and farther away from Max.

At that moment, Cho went to Max holding a knife, held him to stand up and turned him around to face Tul.

"Say goodbye to your lovely soft elf, Tul" he said moving the knife closer to Max.

"Don't you dare hurt him Cho! DON'T!" Tul shouted as fear took over him. "Don't hurt him Cho!"

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