Vampakorn Kingdom

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This Kingdom is pure dark; barely a small light can be seen there. A number of round, solid, towers that reach twice the height of the next tallest building in this elegant castle have been build on various tactical spots for an ideal defense and are connected by fortified, enormous, massive walls made of black stones. The rocks of the walls are aged and vines and plants grow inside the cracks. Huge bat bones littered the fields outside the castle, half overgrown, but still a painful reminder of the past. There's a big gate with great wooden doors that secures the castle from the outsiders and enemies. Vampakorn Kingdom is known for its darkness and is located on a hill in the middle of the Ellipsism forest, this forest is right next to the serendipity forest.

Tul is the second son of the Vampakorn family, and the son of the greatest king of vampires. He is known for his strong character and great appearance. He is charming, elegant and extremely good looking. His most attractive features are his sapphire red eyes and crystal clear white skin. He is talented as well, his voice is one of the most beautiful voices in their kingdom but he barely uses it because he doesn't like doing so. His character is a little bit different than the one of his parents; they are evil, they don't care about anyone, all they care about are labels and blood, of course. They don't care if they hurt anyone as long as they can follow their desires instead. They raised Tul on evil principles and taught him hate and bad beliefs, ignoring the fact that their son isn't like them in anything but being a vampire. He never liked how they think nor the way they hurt people. They always obliged him to do things he doesn't want to do and that annoys him. He likes to stay alone and walk in the black forest while everyone else is busy training and loving his older brother Cho who's the crown prince in their kingdom.

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