"I like you"

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As soon as Tul felt better and stopped crying, the two went to the river side and sat there, each of them sitting on a rock staring at the flowing river in front of them as the fishes that were jumping from side to another and the sparkling color of the river seemed to brighten the mood a little bit. Tul's eyes were irritated a little bit since it was too shiny but he got used to it because of the amount of time that he spent with Max. He turned his face towards Max and found him peacefully sitting there, his eyes closed feeling the soft breeze that was coming from the trees and enjoying the smell of the flowers around him. This man is so beautiful he thought, his eyes turning blue more and more by the second. He went silent for a while, didn't say anything but instead kept watching Max being in his own world relaxing. I need to tell him, he thought and a weird feeling of anxiousness started burning his chest. After some time of pondering over it, Tul stood up from his place and walked towards Max standing right in front of him facing him. He leaned towards him, their faces were so close.

"Max... Open your eyes for a second" he said.

As soon as he said that Max opened his eyes, the first thing he saw when he opened them was Tul's beautiful face right in front of his. His heart was beating fast and he placed his hand on the rock from the back to not let himself fall off it. "Tul... Why are you..." he couldn't finish his sentence because Tul just leaned even closer to him and placed a soft kiss of his lips making his face turn red and his chest burn. At that same moment that blue light appeared again and the sound of the cheering fairies could be heard from far away.

They looked at each other for a while before Max pulled Tul again towards him, holding his waist and kissing him not letting him go. A few moments later, Tul sat next to him on the same rock, he looked at the river in front of him "I like you" he said and while playing with the fabric of his black pants. Max, eyes widened, he looked at Tul and held his hand softly "I like you too, Tul" he said with a bright smile on his face.

At that moment, the fairies flew rapidly towards them and started singing and dancing around them celebrating this confession.

"you finally confessed you dumb head" Yihwa said threw purple sparkles all around them "that's my blessing for this beautiful couple in front of me, always be happy" she added while Fai was singing a beautiful love song "You guys deserve all the happiness" she said and threw white sparkles at them blessing them too.

"You guys scared the shit out of me, why the hell were you shouting, why are you so hyper. I need some of your energy" Jeed, who came late because she was sleeping as usual, said and rubbed her sleepy eyes.

"You always come late, don't make me hit your face!" Jane replied.

"Try..." Jeed replied.

"Ugh, you make me angry!!!" Jane replied and her face turned as red as her dress and wings.

"You tomato fairy, we have work to do, now come with me" Mai said and pulled her behind her and flew away.

Jeed flew towards max and tul. "I am not good in this but you guys are cute, and I need to sleep goodnight" she said and flew back to her place.

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