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Each of them went back to his own home, they were both thinking at the same time, about what happened that day, wondering what was this feeling they felt when their lips touched and the way they looked at each other.

"AM I IN LOVE?" they both shouted at the same time but in different places.

Tul walked towards his mirror and looked at his red eyes. "Why aren't my eyes blue? Why do they change when I am with him?" he said while softly hitting his left palm with the black stick he was holding. As Max searched again and again in the books he has, hoping to find an answer to the blue color that appears every time, but as usual he failed yet again.

<In the fairy land>

"Do you think we should tell them about this or do we let them find out about it by themselves?" Peachy pink fairy Sammy asked while the fairies were all eating together in their land.

"I prefer not, it's better that they find out about it by themselves when the time is right, which is not right now" Yihwa the purple fairy replied while munching a huge piece of blueberry that was bigger than her tiny face.

"Oh yes, Jeed, do you know anything about the rules of the black forest?" Mai the dark blue fairy asked as she flew to get a piece of strawberry. "Jeed... JEED!!" she yelled as she saw her asleep again.

"What?" Jeed the black and silver fairy lazily replied, her eyes still closed since she's always sleepy. "I should know about the rules?" she added and they can barely hear her voice. "Can someone get me some food, I'm hungry!"

"Sure I'll get you some berries" baby blue fairy Mint replied and got her some.


"GOOOOOOOSH!!! I BROKE MY NAIL AGAIN!" Jane yelled from her room.

"SHUT UP YOU!" Jeed yelled back "why can't I have a peaceful moment of silence nowadays" she added.

"Well... as if you haven't been sleeping all day every day..." Mai replied.

"Anyways we should find out how to protect these two, because I saw the eagle last time in the Ellipsism forest when they were walking together with Foei, as soon as he heard the word elf he hurried to the kingdom, I believe he already told his owner about them being close." Jeed said while munching the berry that she was holding with her tiny hands. "Ugh, why does this berry taste so sour, my mouth hurts, isn't there anything sweet?" she added with a pained face.

"Dumb! Why didn't you say before today?! Dear lord why do I live with idiots!" peachy pink fairy Sammy replied. "Anyway, who's the owner?"

"Tul's brother" Jeed added munching the berries again "why am I still eating this?"

"OH NO!" Yihwa shouted.


Looking at his mirror seriously, wearing his new white jacket, he started fixing it from the sleeves to the neck; he wanted it to look perfect. He put on his beige pants and his favorite colorful snickers and then he started styling his hair nicely. He got his favorite perfume and sprayed it around his neck, his white hair, and his jacket making it seemed as if he was taking a bath of perfume. "You look good Max" He said while looking at his reflection in the mirror and posing like he a model.

His mother entered his room to wake him up but found him talking to himself in front of the mirror "Son, you're okay? Why are you talking to yourself?" she said and put a white book on his bed "here's the book you asked me about last time, I wonder why would you ask for such a book, if you needed any help you can ask me son." She walked closer to him, smelling the good perfume, she put her hand on his shoulder and looked at him curiously "Where are you going son? You don't usually prepare yourself that well, do you have a date with anyone?" she asked while fixing his jacket.

"Thank you for finding the book for me mom. Ah, no I am not going on a date but I just wanted to look good today, I just feel happy with myself looking good mom." He replied and held her hands softly "You look beautiful today mama, I hope you have a great day" he added. "I have to go now, I want to talk a walk as usual, and do you want me to get you anything from the forest?"

She smiled and shacked her head softly "No son, take care of yourself, I hope you will always be happy".

A few moments later, Max was running through the forest like he always did; jumping and singing some happy songs. At some point he started dancing while walking like he was going to a party or something similar, he bent down to caress a flower "hey you, you look beautiful today" he said while touching the flower softly and it just smiled at him giving him some pink sparkles as a sign to thank him. Suddenly, while he was looking down at the flower, he noticed a pair of black boots and black pants next to the flower. "You look beautiful too, just like that flower" they said. Max looked up to see who it was, his smile directly appeared so big and shining and his heart started beating way too fast and he almost forgot how to breath.

"Tul..." he said and grabbed his hand gently "I missed you" he said and pulled Tul into a hug. Tul stood there stunned but a few seconds later, he hugged him back tightly and smiled as he rested his head on Max's shoulder making a shining blue light sparkle appear around them and the flowers around them started humming beautiful music and dudus surrounded them like they were protecting them.

"I missed you too" Tul replied while he's still in Max's warm embrace. He was thinking why it feels so good hugging him, he never liked anyone touching him and never hugged anyone before Max.

When he stopped hugging him, Max kept looking at Tul's eyes that turned blue just like his hair. "You look good today Tul" he said and fixed his hair, then touched his cheek softly "Did something happen Tul? You look down today."

Tul nodded trying to deny how he feels "I'm okay" he said and looking at Max's shoulder avoiding eyes contact with him. "I'm used to it" he added and his smile disappeared.

"What happened? Do you want to talk about it?" Max asked and held his hand, he started rubbing it softly to let Tul feel safe and let him know that he's there for him.

"It's just my parents again, they love my brother so much and never care about my feelings or what I like... it is always Cho's opinion that matters only, while I'm nothing. I'm sick of living Max. I wish I was able to die and never come back to life again. Everything seems tiring to me, I might seem strong because I am a vampire, but inside I am exhausted Max... nobody understand me... my family is the worst, I can't even tell them what I like and just have to follow what they think is right and what they want me to do. Yes, I am scared of being alive, I keep getting hurt day by day, but nobody knows about it and nobody cares about how I actually feel and what I really want... I'm exhausted" Tul was speaking when tears started falling down his cheeks making lines on his beautiful white skin. Max pulled him in to a hug again and hugged him tighter than before.

"I'm here" he said "I care" he added and closed his eyes while hugging the guy in front of him tightly making sure he feels safe. "You're not alone Tul, I am here" he said, he grabbed Tul's head and push it softly towards his shoulder making it rest there. "I'll always be here".

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