~ Not Close Enough ~

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Under the darkness of the Ellipsism forest they were walking, their hands joined together, as blue sparkles danced around their intertwined fingers. They arrived to the red rock, and sat with their hands still connected; Tul used one of his fingers and started gently rubbing Max's palm while staring at it. "You okay?" Max asked and held both his hands, raising them up towards his lips and kissing them softly. Tul nodded while looking into his eyes closely, a small smile was drawn on his beautiful white face showing his beautiful sharp vampire teeth, and he got even closer to max and hugged him so tight.

"Can we stay like this for a moment, Max?" Tul said and hugged Max tighter.

"Yes" Max replied and grabbed his waist pulling him closer to him, hugging him even tighter. "You can stay like that forever if you wanted" he added and caressed his hair sweetly and started playing with his hair softly. He kissed his cheek softly allowing him to know that he is here to protect him and that he loves him more than anything in the world.

A few moments later, as they stopped hugging, Max kneeled down to get a leaf. "Hold this for a second" he asked Tul and got another one, he started saying a spell while turning his fingers slowly.

"What are you doing?" Tul asked

"You'll see" Max replied and continued saying his magic spell, suddenly the leaf turned into a black and white bracelet for the both of them; the one that Max was holding has a white string with a black leaf while the one with Tul has a black string with a white leaf.

"WOW!" Tul was shocked and enjoyed looking at his bracelet "It's so beautiful, I love it!"

"I just wanted to make something special for the both of us, that's a small gift from me" Max added and walked closer to Tul, he kissed his cheek gently, he looked at his eyes examining the blue color in his eyes "Gorgeous" He said.

"Not as gorgeous as you are, Max" Tul replied while staring back at his eyes.

Max, shyly, let out a small giggle and placed a small kiss on Tul's nose.

"What was that for, stunning elf?" Tul asked and held his cheeks softly making his heart beat go faster and his white leaf like ears turn red. "Look at you being shy... it's so cute" he added and placed a kiss on max's nose as well.

"Are you teasing me?" Max replied and put both his hands on Tul's shoulders pulling him closer to him.

"Who's teasing who, my lovely elf?" Tul smirked and hugged Max's waist pulling him even closer than before.

"Isn't that too close, Mr. Vampire?" Max asked letting his lips gently touch the other's lips while still looking into his eyes.

"I don't think it is close enough, my mr.elf" Tul replied and pressed his cool lips delicately to Max's, very carefully, parting them slightly. Max digged his fingers into Tul's hair; It was so soft. His heart almost exploding, Tul hugged Max's waist even tighter and kissed him harder than before not wanting to stop. The sparkles around them were getting brighter in the darkness of the Ellipsism forest.

"Oh... so that's where you have been disappearing lately..." someone said and the high pitched sound of the eagle appeared again in the place. Tul shocked moved back from Max and looked around him wondering where that sound came from.

"Are you looking for me, tul?" his brother Cho said and walked closer to them, as soon as he saw his evil smirk Max felt anxious and ran to hide behind Tul's back.

"Who is that, Tul? I never knew you would bring someone from the other kingdom here... and kiss him? Under my trees?" Cho added and walked closer to the both of them, staring at Max with his red eyes, showing his vampire teeth as he smirks. "What should I do with your innocent creature, Tul?" he added.

"You can't do anything to him! Don't you dare try and lay a finger on him." Tul yelled and bringing his hands to the back hugging Max to protect him from his own mean brother.

"Oh, and if I do..." Cho replied while giggling and walking around them and rubbing his hands together "What would you do, strong boy?" he added and his eyes turned even redder. "See you and your lover later, brother" he added and disappeared, and a black smoke appeared at the place he was standing.

"Max are you okay?" Tul asked and turned around to check on him. "Don't mind him, I am here and I'll protect you" he added and hugged him tight.

"I'm fine, are you?" Max asked with a broken voice "is he your brother?"

"Yeah, I'm okay. Oh yes, that's him" Tul replied and held Max's hands.

"Girls! Girls! Listen to me!!" Black and silver Fairy Jeed flew rapidly to the fairy land screaming and shouting loudly which made every fairy there wake up. "I'm not okay, that's not okay, and this is bad! This is so bad we should do something fast, girls! Girls listen to me we need to do something!"

"What's wrong Jeed? It's my first time hearing your voice being that loud" Mai replied and flew to her; she held her hand and led her to her seat. "Sit here first, breath little one, don't panic" she added while caressing her small head with her tiny hand.

"What's that bad that made you little Jeed get that anxious? Huh?" Sammy asked and flew to Jeed with a small cup of water for her to drink and relax.

"I was... I don't know how to say this..." Jeed said and pouted.

"That's okay; take your time to talk. Relax first" Fai said and hugged her.

"We don't have time; we don't know when they will do something bad to them!" Jeed yelled and panicked again.

"Who's going to do what to who Jeed, elaborate please?" Mint asked.

"Cho, his eagle and the ugly bird who Tul thinks is his good loyal friend. I HATE HIM SO BAD" Jeed said while yelling at everyone there.

"What do you mean?" Yihwa asked.

"As I was flying through the Ellipsism forest, I saw Max and Tul hugging and kissing and they were having a lovey-dovey time alone together, like any other lovers do too, but...." Jeed was saying

"But what?!"Fai asked interrupting her.

"Let her speak you idiot don't make me hit your face with my red stick!" Jane replied furiously as always.

"But... his brother Cho found them and saw them doing so and he started talking in a really scary way to Tul making Max scared there... as I know Cho I'm sure he will hurt them... I don't know how he will hurt but he will do something bad to them, i am sure... we need to protect them ladies!" Jeed said "Bring me some sugar I think I'm going to faint" she added and rested her head on Mai's shoulder.

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