True Love wins~

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"This tree... We will plant it next to the river where he liked to stay" Md said holding a small white tree in his soft white hands, as his eyes examined the forest around him; nothing was the same anymore... his heart felt heavy as he sighed. "Tul... do you want to plant it here by yourself? You're the one he loved the most, he will be happy there if you did so..." he added and lifted his hand up to give the tree to Tul.

Tul agreed and planted the tree by himself, he was out of energy at that time, his mind was going overdrive from overthinking while he was doing that, he didn't even blink once.

Dear tree, Max loved every tree, dudu, flower... he loved every detail in this forest. He wanted everyone to be happy, but he never thought about himself. He cared about everyone around him, tried his best to make them all comfortable and loved. May I ask for one wish, this is the only thing that I want right now? I know that things happened and I can't get him back again right now. But please, make him happy, he deserves happiness too, he deserves to be smiling right now where he is. Let him rest well, he deserves that too. Let me meet him again, even if it was after a thousand years from now... even if you had to take me with him...

Tul said his wish in front of the tree before going back to the funeral location with Max's family. He looked like a zombie that day; he couldn't sleep nor eat. All he could do was stare blankly at the sky, mind empty, eyes full of tears, breathing was the hardest thing for him to do. The flower inside his pocket was getting bigger and bigger with every tear that dug lines on his cheeks.

Tul walked closer to Max's coffin, tears flowing like rivers on his cheeks. He looked a mess, red eyes, red face, and black smoke coming out around him. A painful smile appeared on his dejected face as he placed the flower on top of the white coffin.

"I will miss you..." he whispered and tears started falling again and one drop of his tears rested peacefully on the black and white flower. As he was walking back to his place, he noticed that everyone in front of him had surprised expressions on their faces, widened eyes, opened mouths and others were smiling while crying their hearts out.

"Tul..." a gentle voice repeated his name three times. Confused, he tilted his head as he stopped walking, and as soon as he turned around, he found a gorgeous pearl sapphire blue haired elf, with stunning white shining skin standing right in front of him.

"MAX!!" he yelled his heart out at the view of the love of his life right in front of him. He was back! He's back and didn't leave him in this world alone. Tul was speechless, he ran so fast towards his man and jumped into his arms hugging him like a koala as tears of happiness slide down his skin wetting Max's blue shirt. "You're back... I don't know how this happened but I'm glad you're back" he embraced him even tighter to make sure his gorgeous one wouldn't go and leave him again.

"The flower!" Yihwa shouted from behind them grabbing everyone's attention to her.

Max and Tul stopped hugging and walked towards the coffin where Max was placed and noticed that the rose became pearl sapphire blue; it was shining, sparkling, bouncing in the air. Tul grabbed it in his hand and as soon as he did so, his eyes, his hair and all his outfit, as Max's eyes also turned blue.

"Wow! You guys are blue now!" Fai celebrated and enjoyed the blue color that painted the couple and started singing her favorite love songs.

"True love wins indeed..." Mai said while watching these two "Huhuhu bring me some tissues I think I am crying right now"

"Soulmates..." Mint said squeezing her own cheeks "I think I'm melting Sammy hold me"

A bright light appeared from the flower and a beautiful voice, Tul heard it before, a voice that touches the soul with its softness affirmed "When two hearts are connected with true love... no matter what hardships they go through, no matter where they go, no matter what happens, they'll find their way back to each other..." as he was speaking, he finally appeared "OH! I GOT MY BODY BACK AGAIN!" Great danced while celebrating. And another purple unicorn suddenly popped up next to him.

"What!!!" surprised Great yelled as he gazed at the unicorn next to him "Is that you or am I hallucinating?"

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