"You're beautiful"

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The next day, Max woke up earlier than usual and went to the ELF library to inquire about the reason behind his hair and Tul's eyes changing to blue. He searched for days but couldn't find anything which made him feel more curious about that. At that time, Tul was coming everyday to the same place they met ,hoping to see this handsome white haired elf again.

After a week, Max walked back to the place they met. When he arrived, Tul was standing there, curiously looking towards the serendipity forest.

"Oh, hello you're here" Max said.

"Well, yes I am hehe!" Tul giggled.

As soon as they looked at each other, the blue color appeared again, but this time it sparkled even more.

"Your hair..." Tul said and pointed to Max's hair confused once again.

"Your eyes as well..." Max replied. "I was looking through the books we have in our library, i couldn't find anything about what's happening with us and that's weird! Did you search about it or something?"

"No, i didn't do anything but coming here to see if you'll come here again." Tul replied and fixed fast his sentence "I mean, I was walking in the forest all the time nothing else, I didn't come here to see if you're here, no."

"hahaha yeah you didn't come here to see me, obviously." Max said and giggled.

"Do you think if I stepped in your kingdom I'll be dead?" Tul asked while playing with the short black and gray stick while looking curiously around him trying to have a closer look at what's inside the white forest.

The most confusing thing about the two forests is how different they are, yet they're too close to each other. And the reason for the people not being able to step in the opposite kingdom makes these two even more curious about it.

"What if I step in your area, I don't think I will die. Do you?" Tul said with an evil smirk on his face and continued "what if our parents only want the kingdoms to be separated because they're afraid of something or they're hiding something?" he was walking from the left to the right nonstop, just like a soldier who's guarding the entrance while hitting softly the stick on his left palm and staring at the different colored tree.

"Why would our parents lie?" Max said worried and sat on a white colored rock, he held a small creature and started caressing its head. Tul was watching him doing that and he suddenly smiled, the sapphire blue eyes sparkled even more than they were before.

"I don't know why they would, but I don't think they're saying the truth." Tul replied and he couldn't take his eyes off how cute and adorable max was while playing with his little creature. "Anyway, what's this creature's name?" he added and stepped close to Max and caressed its small head too; forgetting for a second about not being allowed to cross to the white kingdom.

"We call them dudus, because they're cute and fluffy, they're half bunnies and half bears, but they never grow bigger than this size." Max was explaining while smiling so bright and playing with the dudu in his hand and as soon as his hand touched Tul's, "Tul!!!" Max yelled shocked. "What are you doing?! Are you crazy?!" he yelled again.

"What, no I'm not crazy what's wrong?" Tul looked at Max muddled; he didn't know what he did wrong for Max to yell.

"Look where you're standing Tul!" Max yelled again and pointed to the ground.

When Tul noticed that he looked at Max who's scared and then checked himself again. "I didn't die?" Tul curiously looking at his own hands then his legs and touching himself.

"You didn't, and that's weird." Max said.

"What if you step in our kingdom" Tul asked and grabbed Max's arm pulling him to the ellipsism forest. They waited for minutes and nothing happened to Max.

"That's awkward?" Max said while checking himself.

"I told you!" Tul shouted and smiled widely.

"You told me what?" Max replied, he couldn't help but smile as well seeing Tul in front of him jumping and smiling. "You don't usually smile; you're beautiful when you do." Max added.

"I told you that they were lying to us, I don't know their reasons but now I know that nothing will happen if we cross this line" Tul was talking too fast and jumping "I'm... I'm what?" He stopped jumping and looked at Max, his eyes widened and his mouth opened.

"You're beautiful" Max said.

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