love is immortal~

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"Why are you yelling at me?" Purple unicorn yelled back at Great as he was turning into a human form. "WOW! Brother Great that's you oh my god!!! It's been ages dude! Anyways, why am I here?"

"EARTH!" Great yelled again and ran to hug him "I missed you, my brother! Where have you been?" he said while having the other in his arms.

Everyone looked at them, clearly not understanding what's happening and who that new unicorn is.

"You have a brother?" Jeed asked while rubbing her head confused.

"Yeah... a hundred years ago, he was a guardian unicorn too" Great replied putting his hand around his brother's shoulders.

"Is that you, Krist and singto's guardian unicorn?" Earth moved backwards as max's mom walked towards him.

"Y...Yes I am... h... how do you know them?" he muttered, anxious and worried about himself at that moment.

"Singto... he was my brother" she replied "He died years ago and Krist disappeared afterwards... we've been looking for him for a hundred years but he's nowhere to be found... do you know anything about him?"

"You'll know later" he said and both the unicorn guys disappeared together.


"Hello Mr. Vampakorn..." a strange familiar man entered the castle and walked towards the king Vampakorn smirking at him as the man stood up from his throne, with a shocked expression on his face. "What??? How are you still alive? Didn't you die?" The king said as his hands shook.

"Hello brother, it's been a while hasn't it." The stranger said with a smirk on his face "Of course, I'll be alive. Do you think your little minions could kill me when you yourself had to use dirty tricks to ruin me and father?"

"They told me they killed you!" Vampakorn king yelled.

"I'm not going to die before you pay for what you did to me and Singto." the armed man smirked as he stepped closer to the throne, with his sword in hand.

"I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" The king yelled.

"YOU TOLD FATHER ABOUT ME AND SINGTO, YOU HELPED HIM KILL MY SOULMATE, IT WAS ALL FOR THIS DAMN THRONE." the man said as he charged at his brother with his sword, and dug it in his brother's chest, the magic of the sword killing him directly.

"You're welcome, I wanted to do this all these years..." he murmured as he stared at the man in front of him and felt someone coming from behind him so he moved faster than the flash and got his sword and stabbed him right in the heart.

"Oh, it's you... Cho...You and your father are just the same, he killed my lover and you did the same to your brother, who wasn't even a threat to you ... but who said I would let you live and ruin other people's lives like your father did to me?" that dude said and grinned.

The two unicorns entered behind him "We killed them all" they said.

"Amazing! Now I want to see Max and Tul..." that guy said.

"We've found a small beautiful red fairy in Cho's room... I put her in a small box to bring her with us" Earth said while pouting "I don't know what she did that they killed her, but I don't think she deserves that..."

Everyone in the white castle were happy partying for the comeback of their precious elf. They never thought he could be back again; they all almost lost all their hope of being happy again. The kingdom that once became grey in the absence of the most important and loved elf there, is now back to the same brightness as before and even brighter and more sparkling.

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