"White!" "Black!"

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"Ah, it's been a while since I last went out of my room... I'm smart enough, why am i supposed to study more?!" Tul was saying while walking through the dark black trees.

"Bunny!! How can you run this fast huh?!" Max was yelling while running after the small white bunny.

"White!" "Black!" they both shouted at the same time as soon as they saw each other and noticed the difference in the colors of the nature and everything around them.

Since they were kids, their parents have always told them not to cross the opposite color because if they do, they will die. For the elfattapol kingdom stepping in the vampakorn kingdom is prohibited, same goes to the vampakorns.

These two stood there astonished and scared as they almost stepped in the prohibited area of each kingdom without noticing. While they were still staring at each other, Max's long white sparkling hair and Tul's beautiful red eyes turned pearl sapphire blue.

"oh, why did your hair changed to blue? Is it your powers that you can change hair color?" Tul asked looking confused at Max.

"Huh? My hair never changed before! Why did it change now? Oh, look at your eyes they changed color to blue too!" Max replied shocked and curious about what's happening.

They stared at each other for a while before getting to know each other's name. Tul started to look at the trees and the white color, his eyes weren't comfortable looking at that much brightness; he has never seen anything white in his kingdom other than his teeth. Max was standing there wondering how can they live is such darkness and if they ever feel scared because of living in black all the time.

"Um, do you often come close to here like today?" Tul asked, he sat down on a black rock holding his long wooden stick and drawing on the ground avoiding eye contact with Max.

"Not really, it's my first time coming this close. I usually just stop halfway and turn back because I'm scared of suddenly stepping on the black land." Max added and sat on the floor and started playing with the white flowers and smiling while touching them.

"what is that you're playing with? "tul asked and watched max curiously, there a new feeling that started to appear in his chest, he thought maybe because he shouldn't be here because he's close to death as his parents said...

"This? They're flowers, you don't know flowers? "Max asked and caressed one of the flowers as if he's telling it not to be upset.

"What are flowers? We do not have anything like that in our kingdom" Tul said "look what we have" he added and took out a black rock. "It seems that the rocks on your land are bright colored too" Tul added and Max nodded.

"I should go back home" Max said and ran back to his place. As soon as they left each of them got back to his normal appearance. Max sat on the white bench in the garden that's inside of the castle, and he was wondering how did he talk to one of the elf clan's enemies and if he was supposed to tell his parents about this or not, he never lied to them about anything. But this time he decides not to say anything, because he didn't mean to arrive to the ending line of serendipity forests. Tul was having the dame thoughts as Max while he was walking back to his castle wondering as well what that blue color really meant.

 Tul was having the dame thoughts as Max while he was walking back to his castle wondering as well what that blue color really meant

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