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Anticipating the moment I could finally meet Chance, I didn't notice how much time had passed. Thinking of how I could hint it to Chance that I was being kidnapped again. At present all I knew was that Seth was escaping the country and going to Italy. How the police would find me with that bit of information was bothering me.

I wanted to protest and cry like a child, that I didn't want to go. But, Seth scared me. The Seth I knew was caring and gentle and loving. The current Seth was scary and threatening.

Feeling a stare on myself, I turned around to find Seth leaning on the door frame and looking at me as if I were a showpiece in a museum. His gaze unnerved me.

Pointing at his wrist and nodding his head in the direction of the kitchen, he left.

So much time had passed and I still had zero clues about my possible rescue mission.

Giving up for the moment, I followed Seth to the kitchen where Dennis was waiting for us. I took my regular seat beside him. Immersed in his cellphone, he didn't really pay any attention to Seth and me. Seth placed our plated in front of us and sat in his seat.

"Where is Mason?", I asked out of curiosity. Him and Dennis were usually a pair, one followed by the other. I hadn't really seen them far from each other.

"He's gone out to get the passports and the fake identities", Dennis answered me without looking up from his cellphone.


I remembered we were leaving in two days. Amidst everything I had forgotten this important detail. Time was running and I couldn't catch up at all.

"Since Mason is going to be late.........Dennis, you're taking Sabrina to meet that boy", Seth spoke up.

This seemed to have caught his attention. Dennis finally looked up from his cellphone and looked at Seth. More like glared at him.

"Seth", Dennis warned, sounding serious.

In the few days that I had stayed with him and Mason, you could say that Mason was the calm guy and Dennis was the fun one. He was like a ball of energy, charged twenty-four seven. I couldn't really put Dennis and serious I the same sentence. But here he was, challenging Seth.

"It's the last thing I could do for her since all the wrong I have done to her", he said, stabbing his chicken with the fork.

"If you really want to do something for her, since you feel guilty for kidnapping her, then send her back to her parents", Dennis snapped.

I peaked at Dennis and then Seth. Both of them looked pissed and ready to snap off each other's head. The air felt so cold. Being the topic of the conversation sat awkwardly as they both stared each other down.

"Fine I'll take her. But don't bother when you bring the police right at your door", Dennis bit back.

Shoving his plate aside, he grabbed my arm and pulled me along. I looked back at Seth to see if he was okay. He looked angry but shook his head no, telling me that he wasn't bothered.

I trailed behind Dennis as he guided us down a corridor with several rooms on each side. He paused in front of the last door on the left hand corner. His face looked like he was debating whether to go in or go back. Hesitating, Dennis turned around and looked at me. I stood there, nervous. I really wanted to see Chance and check if he was okay. Seth had punched him pretty hard last time. I looked nervously at Dennis.

Sighing heavily, Dennis spoke "Alright you can go in-"


"But not a single word about Italy".

"Yes. I won't", I lied.

Taking out a key from his pocket, Dennis opened the door. Pushing it open he stood aside and let me in.

I looked around the room. It was small and dingy and looked like it didn't get proper sunlight. It was pretty much empty save for a single wooden chair and a metal bed. A thin mattress lay on the bed, but there were no bed sheets or pillows. The room didn't have a single window to tell day and night apart. It looked like a confinement cell more than a place regular people would love in.

Chance lay on the bed, his back facing us. He seemed asleep as he didn't get up when the door was opened.

"Oi! Get up", Dennis shouted, irritated.

"Just leave it here and go", Chance spoke. His voice had a rough edge. It was like he had a sore throat and could barely speak. He sounded nothing like the Chance I know.

"Get up, she wants to talk to you."

As if snapped to attention, Chance sprang up into a sitting position and looked back.

My breath got caught in my throat as I took in his current appearance. He was worse than I remembered. He looked skinnier than the last time. His shirt hung around him loosely. His face appeared deathly pale with huge eye bags. A fading bruise was on his left cheek, probably the one Seth gave him. There were no other visible bruises , but there were probably more under there.

Tears threatened to spill as I realised how selfish and obnoxious I was being.

All this time where Chance was abused and locked away, I was staying in comfort and drowning in self pity. While I was busy crying about how awful my life was, Chance was held hostage, not knowing what would happen to him. Having no idea of time, he stayed here, alone. How terrifying it would have been, with no one in sight, with the knowledge that you could be killed anytime. And there would be no one to help him. No one who would take his side.

I shook my head. No, this wasn't the time to feel guilty. My main focus should be on Chance and how to get him safely back home. Seth wouldn't really kill me if I listened to him. But the same wasn't true for Chance. Seth could hurt him or worse kill him any time. No one would even know. He would dispose off all the clues and disappear as if he wasn't the culprit. The current priority was Chance.

I looked at him as he stood up, probably confused and relived at the same time.

"Hi", I whispered.


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