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"How?", he asked.

Chance must've been pretty confused. After being separated for so long, suddenly seeing me stood in front of him was surely shocking.

He jumped me and pulled me into a hug. It probably hurt. He hissed under his breathe when we touched. Being careful I hugged him back, not wanting to further hurt him. My shoulder where he nuzzled his head had gotten wet. He was crying. I pulled back and cupped his face in my hands to get a proper look. His eyes were red and he had his nose scrunched. He was having an internal monologue, a habit of his.

Realising that I was actually here and not a hallucination he looked relieved. Giving me a sheepish look as if embarrassed. I burst out laughing, surprised, but relieved. Chance started laughing along with me. Our laughs turned into giggles which turned into small sobs, followed by our full out bawling. We hugged each other and sat on the floor as we let our emotions get the better of us. To anyone watching we must've looked like maniacs.

All this while Dennis stood at the door, looking at us with eyes full of pity. Both of us weren't here willingly. If we could, we would be anywhere but here. And Chance was the one who took the blow the most. He was in this situation because he happened to be with me. He had to suffer through this hell all because of me. It was obvious he drew the short end of the stick by trying to help me.

   Dennis coughed behind us, breaking our emotional moment. I looked at him, embarrassed, apologising internally for the scene he had to witness.

"You have ten minutes Sabrina-"


"And I'll be standing guard", he warned "in here."

   Not wanting to waste a single moment by arguing with Dennis, who was probably going to ignore me, I started inspecting Chance. The bruise on his face was a few days old. It was mostly purple but it was fading. I touched his stomach and he hissed loudly. Carefully, I pulled up his shirt. It was gross. Chance had a fractured rib, it was obvious. The entire bruise was yellow, almost as if it was filled with pus. There were tiny purple spots too. It was nauseating to look at. He needed a doctor, immediately.

I glared at the bruise.

"Can I get a first aid kit?" I asked Dennis.

"I'm not leaving", he declared.

"Fine. Tell me where it is", I snapped in his direction, shooting daggers at him.

"In one of the cabinets beside the fridge"

  Hurriedly, I left the room. I sprinted towards my destination. As I turned a corner, the kitchen counter came into view and so did its occupant. Seth looked up at my sudden appearance. I had no time to waste. I ran past the counter and towards my target, the cabinets. I pulled them open looking for the kit. Finding it, I grabbed it and bee-lined back to the room Chance was in.

Ignoring Dennis who stood there glaring at Chance, I quickly disposed the contents of the kit on the floor, beside me.

"Take off your shirt", I ordered.

"There's no-", Chance began.

"Now!", I barked. 

   Without wasting a second he took it off. Spraying the entire bruise with Savlon, I wrapped his torso with a crepe bandage. While I sat their, mummifying him, Chance kept sniggering and cursing in intervals.

Annoyed, I asked,"What's so funny?"

"Nothing", he said with a straight face.

Two can play the game. I tightened the bandage making him swear.

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