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     My breathing shallowed as I saw the murderous look in Seth's eyes. Long gone was the lust that had clouded his brain seconds before. If I would have been someone else, I swear I would have been dead by now. We were frozen like that for a few minutes, I didn't dare move, even a single mistake could lead to me being buried in a grave. It would be a lie if I said that I wasn't sacred. Very slowly he got off me, pulling my arm harshly, almost dislocating it. He threw his sweat shirt at me ordering me to wear it. I don't waste a second to cover myself. I pulled it quickly over my head, covering myself from the embarrassment of being half naked.

        As soon as I wore it, he grabbed me, dragging me out of the room. His hold on me was getting painful, but I didn't dare say anything. I had never seen Seth like this, being scared and keeping my mouth shut was the only intelligent thing I could do.

       Just when we exited the motel, police sirens followed by police cars came into view. Seth snapped his head to me and glared at me. But before he could do anything I pulled the pepper spray from my back pocket, spraying it in his eyes. He wasn't expecting it as he screamed in agony, cursing at me. Without wasting a single second I pulled out the pocket knife, grabbed his arm, twisting it behind his back and then stabbing him near his ribs. He doubled over in pain as he screamed, falling to the ground.

      The cops reached by then, coming out of their cars, rushing towards us. My brother also appeared, pulling me into a hug. He didn't let me go until the cops had handcuffed and taken Seth with them. As the last of them were leaving a cop stopped in front of us and said,"Ma'am I hope you are okay, thank you for cooperating and helping us in capturing him. He's a dangerous gangster who we couldn't catch, thanks to you we are finally able to capture him. If not for you, we wouldn't have been able to make a report against him. If it'll be alright with you, could you come by tomorrow, we need you to give a statement."

"Yes, I'll be alright", I said.

      The cops left after arresting him. Austen and I went back home in his car. He was unusually calm on the way back, I had never seen him this calm yet angry.

        It took us an hour to drive back home. Once there Austen finally spoke to me, asking,"Will it be alright for you to go there? If you don't want to we can tell them."

"It's alright, I knew what I was doing all along. I had my knife with me, I even beat you in using it. No way could he have harmed me, I just had to wait till the right time to use it. I'm alright now, just want all this to get over", I said, tired. It was after all a really long day. So many things happening in a single day, I wouldn't even have imagine all of this would happen to me.

"Alright then, but I will go along with you", he said with both concern and determination on his eyes.

"Only if you don't embarrass me", I joked punching his arm.

      We both got out of the car and entered the house. Before I could take two steps, mom came and engulfed me in a bear hug, cutting out my air supply. I had to promise her many times that I was alright before she let me go. Just as she let me go, dad also hugged me but not blocking my air supply.

"Young lady you know how much trouble you're in", he said after letting me go, giving me an angry look before letting out a long breath and looking at me with relief, he spoke,"Thank God nothing happened to you, Sabrina you've scared us all enough for one day."

       I gave him a little peck on his cheek and then looked at all of them, trying to comfort them and to change the mood, I joked ,"Will you all keep glaring at me or give me food. I've had a long day, I need some food to keep by baby healthy."

"Of course, we haven't forgotten about your baby", mum said, understanding my joke.

After we finished our dinner, dad told me that until Seth would be sent to jail, I'd be given some security, provided by the police in case his gang members decided to harm me. The fact that Seth was in a gang had us all shocked, all of us had liked Seth a lot. To think that he was a part of mafia and that he almost killed Susie was still hard to absorb. The days events had us all so tired that we all went to bed quite early. I took a long bath to wash away all the places where he'd touched me and to relieve the stress caused by the events which had happened during the day. After showering, I plunged head first into my bed. Too tired to think, I slept trying to forget what had just happened. If I had complied with Seth, he would have killed me by now. As tears threatened to spill, I heard a knock on my door. Wiping away the tears I answered,"Yes?"

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