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     As I stood there, frozen, fragments of my now forgotten memory flashed in front of my eyes. They unfolded like a movie, threatening to ruin the peace I had achieved after all those hard and suffocating times. I always was curious about what had happened, I asked the people around me about it. But, nobody ever wanted to allow me that.

"It is dangerous"

    Everybody refused to give me that one answer. Although I asked many questions, deep down I knew that I was better off without knowing them. As if my conscience refused to let me keep them, they were easily erased. To protect me from something, or maybe a someone. But it was all in vain, because as I stood there, the very memories that I wanted to run away from, came back to me, hitting  me like a truck. I struggled to control my breathing as all the things that I wanted to forget, cane rushing back to me.

One year back

"But Seth! Susie won't reason with me. You think that I haven't tried talking to her. She won't even tell me what is it that's been bothering her. And when I got annoyed at her for not telling me, I said those things. Damn! my stupid thick head", I complained.

"Sabrina, I think you are behaving childish. Maybe she doesn't want to tell you about it. Try not pushing it and let it go", he insisted.

"Hmm..... I don't know, just leave it to me. I'll handle it. Anyways I should head to my class or else Mr. Wilson sure as hell will get an excuse to kick me out of his class", I said and gave him a quick kiss before leaving for my class.

"I LOVE YOUU!!!!!!!!", he screamed after me as I got out of his car.

"Hate you too", I shouted back giggling.

I wasn't going to let go things with Susie. She wasn't going to like it ,but it that's how she will speak then I wasn't going to back down just yet.

As soon as my Mr. Wilson put down his marker and closed his book, I ran from my desk and out of the class. Well, not before he shouted after me," Miss Matthews, I'm still in the class."

But I'm out.

        I really couldn't handle double maths in a single day. Now I had to find Susie. She probably would be getting back from her P.E. class. I made my way through the sea of students flooding the corridor. I spotted her finally and grabbed her shirt, pulling her along with me to the closest class nearby.

       She wasn't pissed as I expected her to be. Sighing she looked me in the eye and said," I can't run away from you Matthews now can I?"

I answered her with a smirk.

"Well since you clearly won't drop it and I can no longer keep it to myself I'll tell you", she said.

          I waited for her to continue without speaking once.

"Seth is cheating on you with some random chic", she blurted out.

"Pfft! You're really funny. Okay, you got me. But damn Susie, you ignored me for a prank. Now I feel bad", I joked.

         I looked at Susie and waited for her to confirm that it was a joke. But her expression was the same. She looked as if she wasn't just joking. I had a bad feeling, my stomach dropped and my head hurt. This couldn't be happening. Seth loved me and he would never do such a thing.

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