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It's funny how life takes you to places you would have never dreamt about. At each corner you don't know where you will go next. It's unpredictable, scary, dangerous, but it's also thrilling at the same time. You never know what's gonna happen next. Looking back I never thought that things would take a turn like this, as I stand now glancing at my watch every few seconds. I wasn't early nor was he late. Who was this he? I stood there wondering the same thing. Was I making the right choice? Questions poured in my mind as I stood there, waiting. This was an important meeting, I was nervous if it'd go well, if things will take a turn for good. Tapping my foot I looked around. I was calm on other days but today I was nervous.


That voice!

I turned around at the sound of my name looking for it's speaker. My heart beat was accelerated like that of a sports car. I feared that it would be heard by everyone around me. My head was all muzzled up by now, all thoughts running around. But all seemed to go away as I came across the face of the speaker. All doubts going away as I looked at that face, those eyes which I was haunted by daily. The eyes which could make anyone fear them, all but me. For when they looked at me they melted like ice. The warmth in them visible even from such a distance. The emotions swirling in them made me forget about my surroundings. A smile creeped on my face as I became ignorant of my surroundings.

The people and sounds around me faded as I looked at that handsome face. We stood there unmoving as people around as came and went. Time had stopped for us, as old memories of this place made there way back into our hearts. Everything stood still as pain shot it's way to my chest. I must be really happy after all this time. So much that I felt like I was hurting.

I gazed down where it was hurting. A gasp escaped my lips as I looked back to where he was standing. At this point my brain had already stopped working. I closed my eyes and smiled as I saw him rushing towards me. I couldn't make out his expression. People were rushing around us, blocking him every few seconds. All images and sounds had become hazy. I remembered last night as I debated about what I would say to him after meeting him. But at that moment everything became clear to me. I knew what I had to say. The pain behind those words was unknown to others, but I hoped that he would hear me and understand what I wanted to say. I said those words which were both an expression of how I felt and an apology which he deserved. A tear made its way out of my eye as I smiled heartily and whispered those words which I had wanted to say all this time:

"I love you"

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