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Rage had consumed Seth. He was blinded and ran like a crazed bull when it sees red. He walked fast as I tried hard to keep up. My body was still weak. His grip on my arm was painful but I was scared that he'd get mad and flip. It was definitely a mistake, I shouldn't have told him about the therapy. He was unpredictable, I should have known that he wouldn't take it easy and let me go. I had suspected him to get angry but Seth was eerily calm. His face was emotionless, but on the inside he was really angry.

He dragged me back to the same corridor in which the rooms were. But instead of taking me to the room I was staying in earlier he walked to the room at the end of the corridor. He pushed it open with a loud bang. I looked around the room, it was the same in which I was earlier held hostage in before Seth came. My eyes immediately fell to the figure in front of me. He was skinnier than I could remember. His cheeks were sucked in and appeared like hollows. He had dark bags under his eyes and his hair was all messed up. Looking at him made me realise how comfortably I was living with Seth while he suffered. Chance was stuck her in the first place all because of me. If he hadn't tried to protect me he would have been safe back home.

Seth let my hand go and hurried over to where Chance was standing, landing a blow to his jaw. Seth staggered but didn't fall as he retained his balance. Although he had gotten weak he still wouldn't let anyone mess around with him. But unfortunately he couldn't win against Seth who had a taller built and a bigger frame. Seth was a boxer so he couldn't be easily defeated. As Seth tried to land another blow on Chance, he dodged him this time. But before Chance could attack him Seth punched him in the stomach. Chance fell down groaning, holding his stomach. Seth kicked him two more times. I winced standing behind him. I couldn't stop him as I was still sacred that he'd choke me again. His threat wasn't meaningless. One wrong step and Chance would end up in a worse situation. But if I didn't stop Seth it was possible that he might actually kill him.

"You'll regret that you even talked to her you scum", Seth spat. Chance was groaning as he held onto his stomach. "I told you I'll kill him Sabrina, next you'll be begging for me to kill you. From now on you'll experience hell first hand buttercup."

    I froze as he said those words. He was going to kill Chance. And it would be my fault. First Susan and now Chance. I'd be the cause of his death. My blood ran cold as Seth drew his gun out of the blue. I hadn't even realised that he had it. Pulling the trigger he pointed it at Chance. One second Seth was about to shoot Chance and the other I was in front of him, blocking his aim. Seth looked at me with anger filled eyes, eyes that could make anyone cover in fear. As much as I was scared I stood there in front of him.
"You can't save this one buttercup. I'll kill him and make an example out of him. That'll teach you how to behave. Stand aside", he ordered.

     Seth was beginning to loose his patience as I stood there making no attempt to move.
"Please don't do this Seth. You don't have to kill anyone. Please just let us go. We won't tell anyone about it. I swear we'll keep our mouths shut. Just please let us go", I begged in front of Seth as I slowly got down on my knees.

      As if he hadn't heard me he grabbed me and pushed me away. As I fell down Seth pointed his gun at Chance. My mind blanked. I couldn't let another friend die. I had to do something, but what? What could I do? At that moment I couldn't think of anything. Desperate, I screamed,"I'll do whatever you want me to do. Please, please just let him go. I can't see anyone else die because of me."

          My words had seemed to stop Seth. He stood there like a statue for a few seconds before he turned and looked at me with his piercing gaze. He didn't seem to be angry anymore as he lowered his gun.
"Anything?"he asked.

       Slowly but painfully I nodded my head as Chance screamed,"Don't do this Sabrina. Don't do this for me. I won't forgive you. This sick bastard is playing a game and you're falling right into his trap. Don't punish yourself Sabrina."

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