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Three days passed by in a haze and Seth was nowhere to be found. Mason and Dennis were my only company. I wasn't allowed to meet Chance as ordered by Seth. Apparently I could plan my escape if I met Chance when I wasn't even sure if I was still on planet earth. Nobody seemed to be interested in finding two missing children kidnapped in the middle of school. I was still nervous and fidgety all the time so Mason and Dennis usually let me be. They only talked to me during meal times and that too about random stuff like movies and music. They were extra careful around me and didn't let a word out that could give away Seth's plan. I was given access to the few books Seth had left for me and the television. Usually Dennis was watching the tv so I didn't really get any opportunity to watch the news and find out how the search for me and Chance was going. I just read the books and slept most of the time. Mason made sure to give me medicines at time and check in on me from time to time. Both him and Dennis avoided talking about themselves.

I didn't really remember anything after the incident three days back. Since Seth wasn't around I didn't really get the panic attacks anymore. My complexion had returned to normal and I could walk around without the threat of fainting any moment. Compared to Chance I was being treated like a princess. I had no idea about how he was. The only consolation I had was that he was still alive. Mason took food and water for him two times a day. He was purposely being held prisoner so as to remove any chances for us escaping.

The book in my hand was left overlooked as I stared at Dennis whispering something to Mason. They looked over at me a few times and went back to whispering. I knew they were talking about me but I didn't really have it in me to ask them about it. I took this opportunity and grabbed the remote. Changing to a news channel while I was free from my wardens, I looked for a broadcast about two missing kids. Finally switching to one I turned up the volume.

"-police has begun their search for the kids. The two kids in question went missing during school. The school authorities and a few of their classmates are still being questioned. At the moment the search has only led to the conclusion that the kids went missing during school. Last that anyone heard of them was during break time after which they both went missing. A team has been brought together to search for the two kids. Civilians are requested to report if they come across them-"

A photo of me and Chance was displayed on the screen as the reporter talked on about us. My ears started buzzing as the sounds around me decreased and my mind went blank. I came back to reality as someone shook me. Looking behind I found the person responsible for my situation peering at me with worry etched on his face.


After disappearing for three days without telling me he came back just as abruptly. Taking the remote from my hand he turned off the tv and walked around the couch as he stood in front of me. Without bashing an eyelid he picked me up and carried me back to our shared room. I peeked at him from under my eyelashes to see if he was angry. Seth looked ahead without looking at me once as he brought me back to our room. Seating me down on the bed he walked around to his side of the bed and opened the drawer of the bedside table. Shuffling around its contents he pulled out a bottle of my medicine and spilled some of its contents on his hand. Counting the right number and putting back the content in their container, he picked up a glass of water and came back to where I sat. Sitting down  in front of me, he gave me the medicine and glass of water. I swallowed the pills and gulped down the water, handing him back the glass. Seth put it down on the bedside table as he looked back at me, giving me his full attention.

"How have you been?", he asked me.

Not meeting his eyes I nodded my head yes and looked down. Seth sighed beside me and pulled me into a hug. Uncomfortable, I tried to push him away but he wasn't really bothered by my futile attempts. Giving up I let my cheek rest on his right shoulder and enjoyed the only human contact I was allowed. Seth caressed my head without saying anything. We stayed like that for a few minutes, enjoying the silence.

"I missed you", whispered Seth.

Not knowing what to reply I nodded my head.

We stayed like that for a while before Seth released me from his arms. Tucking a strand of hair behind my ear he held my face in his hand as he looked at me. I gazed up at him, questioning his gentle behaviour. Seth looked at me with eyes full of love and yearning. Sighing, he let go of my face and fell back on the bed.

Not knowing what to do I sat their, waiting for him to say something. I was thankful to him for bringing me back to our room. The fact that cops had no clue about our kidnapping wasn't a welcome news. Though I sounded like a hypocrite thanking the coz of my distress, I didn't really have it in me to fight Seth. I was relieved when I saw him down there. His absence made me feel nervous and alone. These emotions were not welcomed but I had little control over them since I was brought here.

"We're leaving in two days", spoke Seth, breaking my train of thought.

Shocked and scared  because of the limited time I had been left with, I cried,"please."

"I'll let you meet your friend today. You can talk to him on the condition that you can't tell him about our plan"

I looked up at Seth with tearful eyes, to beg him to stop. But, the look in his eyes made me stop. It was final that we were leaving and there would be no argument about it.

"You can meet him after dinner. Mason will go with you to make sure that you don't give away anything."

Taking my hand in his, he rubbed his thumb in a circular motion to calm me,"don't break my trust Sabrina. I want to give us a chance even though I'm aware of how low the possibility is. I don't want you to be scared of me all the time. I'm willing to get past whatever has happened and to move forward. All I need is for you to allow the possibility of us loving each other again."

"You should've though of that before kidnapping me and forcing me to go with you. Rather you should've thought that before you killed my best friend", I laughed.

Seth clenched his jaw as his hold on my hand tightened, but not painful. He really didn't expect us to go back to normal did he. Did he expect me to forget that he killed one of my friend and threatened to kill another? I tried to free my hand from his hold but gave up when his hold got stronger. Not really in the mood to fight I sighed and looked at his hurt expression. It hurt in my chest when I saw how much my words bruised him. I sat their in silence, waiting for him to say something.

"I know that no amount of apologies are going to make up for what I did. I also know that I'm acting like a bastard by forcing you to go along with my whims. But, I can't do without you. Even if you hate me for life, I'll selfishly drag you with me. I'm ready to force you into submission by scaring you and threatening you and every other horrible method in the book if that allows me to stay close to you. I cannot and will not separate from you anymore", he said with a finality in his voice. Declaring his resolution to me, he got up and left me alone with my worries.

Tired from crying all the time, I gave upon the idea of talking him out of it. The only way I could get out of here was if I escaped. I would have already planned it if not for Chance being held prisoner with me. I had no idea where he was being held currently. I could not risk him being killed if I escaped. Seth had made sure that there were no obstacles in his plan and Chance was like an insurance which removed any small routes of my escape. I had almost given up on getting away from Seth.

I had no motivation left in me at this moment.

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