Author's Note & Ending

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Hello dear readers,

Thank you for the overwhelming support and understanding. To everyone who's been waiting for the ending to be explained, I apologise for making you wait so long. I was going through a rough patch and didn't login to Wattpad for a long time. Recently I've picked up reading again and also wanted to end this story.

  Before explaining the ending, I wanted to share the news that I'll be coming back with a new story with proper update schedule. I haven't decided on a title yet, but it's going to be fantasy novel. I have the plot set and will start writing it soon. To my readers of "Stolen- She can't run", this new novel will somewhat have the same atmosphere. I hope you give it the same amount of love you have given to my previous story.

  Stolen will be shortly removed from wattpad. I do not want new readers to start and be disappointed with the abrupt ending. I hope you understand my decision.
Thank you again for your continued support.

Stolen plot after Chapter 19:

  Shortly after, the group leaves for Italy and Chance is safely let go. Sabrina cooperates and accepts her fate, deciding to go with Seth. The four reach Italy and Sabrina is taken to a safe house, only Mason and Dennis know about her being there. She wants to get her memories back so that she can overcome the trauma and fight back against Seth. She allows Seth to help her remember the past. Seth believes that she will take him back and he won't have to force the situation on her anymore.

    Some time passes and Sabrina starts getting healthier, mentally, but before long she realises what kind of work Seth does. Working for the Mafia isn't really an appealing job. She has started accepting her feelings for Seth and hopes against her wishes that he would take her back. At this point, Sabrina and Seth have closed the distance between them, although she's recently started being haunted by Susan. Stuck in a dilemma she asks Seth to sleep with her, to make Susan go away. They share a passionate night and Sabrina admits her fears that she is afraid Seth will be taken away like Susan if he keeps working for the Mafia. Seth wants to start anew and only desires to live happily with Sabrina. He makes the decision to quit the Mafia and leave the country with Sabrina.

   After receiving a somewhat positive but suspicious approval from his superiors, Seth makes preparations to go to England and start fresh. One day while Seth is away and Sabrina is with Mason, they are attacked and taken hostages by the Mafia. Romero, Seth's boss has been given orders by the Don to teach Seth the consequences for quitting. Sabrina is tortured brutally and Mason is made to watch it all. Romero records the entire time and leaves Sabrina and Mason at the safe house before Seth comes back. As soon as Seth and Dennis come back, they are horrified to see Sabrina beaten and unconscious with Mason having lost his mind. He rushes them to the hospital and while there receive a video from an unknown number. Its the video where Sabrina is shown being tortured and a message at the end warning him to not repeat it again or next time would be worse.

   Devastated and angry, Seth makes a decision. He will send Sabrina back to her parents and plans to take revenge. Dennis wants to take revenge for Mason ( yes they were dating :p ) Seth asks Dennis to take back Sabrina and Mason and get them treated properly back home. He contacts the CIA and offers them information and proof which will help them arrest and destroy the Mafia and its major backers. He also willingly accepts his arrest once the takedown is over.

    That is the last we'll see of Seth for a while. Back home with her parents, Sabrina goes through therapy and treatment. Having suffered from the horrible abuse she shuts down and refuses to talk with anyone. Plagued by nightmares with the only support being Chance, Sabrina wants to give up. It is during one of her medical examinations, Sabrina finds out she is pregnant. Having found a new hope, her will to live and get stronger ignites. She wants to have the baby and believes Seth will come back for her. After a long silence she tells her parents about everything that happened and her decision to keep the baby. Her family is shocked and do not want her to keep the baby. Sabrina has a fight with her mom when she tells her that Sabrina is just a victim of Stockholm Syndrome and should abort the baby.

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