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"I told you buttercup. I will never let you go."

The cops were everywhere, investigating the crime scene. It had been hours since they started the investigation. Even after hours not a single clue was found by them. The only piece of evidence which could close the case was a piece of paper which wasn't to be found anywhere. Not unless I gave it.

A lot had passed in the time between when I found Susie and when the police arrived. As soon as I found the note my brain had frozen. Nothing seemed clear, it was all a mess. My brain had stopped functioning and none of the things which were happening made any sense. I sat there frozen for what seemed like an eternity when my phone rang. I checked the caller id, it was Seth. My hands kept trembling as I slowly answered the call, dreading the worst. Taking a few deep breaths I spoke,"Hello."

"Took you long enough to answer my call."

"W-wh-what d-do you wa-want", I stuttered uncontrollably.

"Hadn't I made it clear in the sweet note I left by your friends place. How did you like my handiwork? I suppose you liked it, I did have my share of fun while leaving you my gift", he laughed.

"Why Susie? Why hurt her? I broke up with you,hurt me, why would you hurt her?", I shouted in anger, after the things he just said.

"She took you away from me. She lied to you and took you away, she wanted you to herself. And here I thought that we would always stay together. I loved you and cherished you but a few lies from her and I lost you. I never wanted you to see this side of me. But I guess it can't be helped anymore. You are not leaving me."

"You sick bastard, all this because I left you. This won't make me come back to you, you are becoming the man I hate. Stay away from me. I'm going to report you-", I shouted when he cut me in and started laughing like he was possessed.

"Sabrina, Sabrina, you're so cute, I'll report you and get you punished", he mimicked me,"no wonder I fell for your pretty ass. It's not so easy now buttercup, if you even try to report me Laura will be next. Now you don't want the same or, or even worse things to happen to sweet little Laura. And now let me guess who will be next-"

"What do you want?"

"Oh Sabrina, you should have understood this by now, I want you. All that I did was because of you, if you would have come back when I was talking to you nicely, none of this would have happened. It's all your fault, Susie is dead because of you, and next will be Laura if you don't do as i say."

"I won't report you if that's what you want, but stay away from Laura."

"Bossing around now are we? Things will go my way from now on, it's your turn now to listen, and who says I want that. I could care less if you report me or not, you don't really know me now, do you? Just do as I say from now if you don't want me to hurt your friends."

"Just get to the point", I snapped.

"Careful! If I were you I would control that tongue. We have enough time to work on that anyways. Now listen to me carefully, I want you to do as I say, after I end this call you will call the cops and tell them you found Susie like that. Don't try to act smart by telling them about the note, I will be watching you. After you call the cops and they investigate you, I want you to come to an address which I will text you. If you don't come then you know what happens, and don't try to tell anyone about this. I know you aren't stupid. Therefore, things will be going my way from now on, I'll be waiting, don't disappoint me, I don't want to hurt sweet Laura. Now follow what I said and nothing is going to happen to her.Love you buttercup", saying this he cut the call.

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