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"Its time then, we're leaving for Italy."

At that moment those few words changed my fate. The little hope that had awakened earlier was now long gone, instead dread took its place. Seth had no problem uttering those words, but for me they weren't acceptable. He couldn't take me away from my family and friend, from everything I loved. If he took me with him I would lose my sanity. I couldn't let that happen.

"Please don't do this Seth", I begged.

He looked me dead in the eye and gave me his answer without even opening his mouth.

"Why me?", I asked as I shut my eyes, tears falling down my cheeks.

          I felt the bed dip as Seth sat in front of me. Wiping away my tears with his hand he held my cheek in his hand. I opened my eyes and looked at him, begging him to not do this to me.

"Because I can't lose you again Sabrina. Even after all you did to erase my existence, I still love you. You can't imagine how hard the last year has been without you. I couldn't see you for a year, all the while I realised how wrong I was. I swore that I won't let you escape me after I got out, even if I had to do it by force. There's no way I'm letting you leave me again Sabrina", he said.

"I'll go insane", I cried out.

"It doesn't matter to me, I will still love you", he said.

       Realising it was no use I started crying, frustrated. Seth pulled me towards him and hugged him. I tried to push him and claw him to free myself but he didn't budge. He was holding me tightly, suffocating me further. I screamed in agony as he wouldn't let me go. What did I do wrong? Was I wrong to love him and let him in my life? Why was all of this happening to me? I just wanted to live happily. I cursed the day I met him, I cursed the moment I started loving him. My life became a mess because of him. I had to go through so much pain, the pain of Susan's death and then the therapy sessions. I was messed up because of him. He changed me, he changed the person who I was and turned me into a crying and trembling mess who feared him. He turned me into a coward who could do nothing. But even as my heart ached because of him, in that moment I realised one thing. However much I hated to admit it I couldn't run away from it anymore. As I sat their, crying my heart out I realised this one thing. I wasn't hurting because he was taking away everything from me, I was hurting because even after all the horrible things he did, after all the pain he made me go through, after all those sleepless nights.........I still loved him.

        I woke up in a dark room, it was the same room that I had been staying in. I looked around to see if Seth was still here, he wasn't. He might have left after I dozed off crying. My head hurt due to something, but I couldn't remember why. I sat up on the bed clutching my head as I tried to remember what had happened. Slowly I started to remember all the things. Seth was going to take me to Italy and I couldn't refuse. I had made a deal with him to spare Chance's life, if I backed down Seth wouldn't think twice before killing Chance. Things weren't in my favour anymore, plus the lingering feelings had made things hard for me. I didn't even know what I should do now. I got off the bed and walked to the door, opening it. As I exited the room I looked towards the room Chance was being held hostage in. I was lucky to enjoy little luxuries but god knows what he was going through. I had to meet him somehow, if I was going to comply with Seth's wishes, he might as well allow me to talk to Chance one last time.

         I left the corridor with the aim to find Seth. It wasn't a difficult mission as I was greeted by his presence as soon as I entered the living area. He was cooking in the kitchen which was right next to the living area. It was an open kitchen of average size. The walls and cabinets were white, matching the colour scheme of the rest of the house. Two of the guys from before were with him, talking with each other as Seth cooked something delicious smelling. He looked serious as if he wasn't really liking what the other guys were talking about. As he looked up ready to argue with them he saw me. Whatever it was that he wanted to say was forgotten as he smiled. Even after all the anger he felt for me he still smiled as he focused his attention on me. The way he looked at me gave me a sense of déjà vu reminding me of a memory that I had long forgotten.

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