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  ".....kill him."

     Seth's words replayed in my mind on a loop. Would he kill someone innocent again? Didn't he have any shred of emotion in him? Is he really willing to kill someone just to satisfy his own purpose? Thousands of questions popped in my mind. Even if he had killed someone before, I still couldn't fathom it. Most of my feelings had been psychologically suppressed. But I still remembered the most important part of it all. Despite having witnessed firsthand his extreme ways, I still hoped that he would not kill someone so easily. But all of it was just  wishful thinking, the Seth of the past will remain in the past. This new, scarier version was his true self. At this point I did not know who was the real version and who was the fake version of him. Lost in my though stream, I didn't realise when Seth came back to the room.

    Snapping back to the reality, I watched his movement like a scared bunny. His presence alone was enough to make me tremble and cover away in fear. He really was becoming fearful with each passing second. He had yet to realise how careful I was around him. Seth was beyond joyful at the moment, his face was glowing like a bride-to-be's would have been glowing on her wedding day. This lowkey scared me even more. Even if he did not really torture me as I originally expected him to, I still couldn't be careful enough. He was like a light switch, one minute it's turned off and just a little action on my side can turn it on. I still could guess what he was thinking, that thing about him was still the same.

   Seth did not really pay any attention to me and went to take a bath. I was expecting him to say something, his gaze during dinner time, had told me that he wasn't done talking to me yet. I sighed heavily as I realised how much tense I was. I was ready to jump at even a tiny bit of a sound. Even if Seth was scarier and stronger than me, I had to gather some courage. At this rate I was going to be pulled along at Seth's pace . I will end up doing as he wishes, the thought alone of me being at his mercy completely made me shiver.

While I was lost in thought again, I didn't realise that a lot of time had passed. Seth had come out of the bathroom and was sitting next to me. When a hand suddenly pulled me out of the blue, I shrieked. Ready to fight, I threw a punch but he caught my hand. I looked at Seth in confusion, when did he come out? He didn't really give me much time to think about it as he pulled me closer, making me sit in between his legs. I sat their facing him awkwardly as he put his arms around me. I tried to shift back as he was too close to me, only to be dragged back. Since I couldn't avoid the close contact, I lowered my head, so as to avoid his penetrating gaze.

As I was busy straightening out the creases in the T-shirt I was wearing , Seth decided that he had enough of my silence.

"You looked like you remembered something earlier", he stated.

I looked up, almost avoiding hitting his chin with my head. I looked at him, confused. What was he talking about?

"Earlier when you came for dinner downstairs. You were clutching your head like it hurt. Did you remember something?", he questioned.

He saw that? Sometimes it amazed me how much he noticed tiny things about me that anybody else would have clearly overlooked.

I nodded my head. I had no reason to lie to him, it would only anger him further. Plus if I were to lie to him, I'd probably be a fool. He could read my every action.

"Can you tell me about it?", he asked.

I paused for a minute, was it right to tell him about it. He had asked me after all, it wasn't like he was forcing me to tell him all about it. Then again, what harm would come out of me telling him about it.

I peaked at him to see if he was listening, only to be met by his piercing gaze. Since, he was being patient and nice, I did not mind sharing it with him.

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