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      I was walking down a dust road, unfamiliar to any I had walked on before. I kept walking, not knowing where I was headed to. My feet leading me to god knows where. My breathing was calm and contained, there was a comforting silence. Not a single soul was within my sight. I kept walking until I saw a silhouette, standing faraway in the distance. Whoever the person was didn't move. Instead of ignoring the person which any normal person would do, I walked right where he or she was standing. As I got closer I could make out that the person wasn't a he, but a she. Once within a metre of her, I recognised her. It was Susan, I breathed in relief. I hadn't even realised until now that I was holding my breath.

"Susan, thank god it is you", I called out to her, she looked at me finally. I ran and engulfed her in a bear hug.

"Why did you do this to me?", she said after a minute of silence from her.

Confused, I broke the hug and looked at her.

"What are you saying Susi?", I asked her shaking her shoulders.

"Why did you stab me?", she asked in the same monotonous voice.

"What are you say—", but before I could complete my sentence Susan raised up a bloody hand. I looked with horror from her hand to her face . My steps faltered and I stumbled a few steps back, my voice seemed as it was gone. Before I could utter something I looked down at her once white but now bloody shirt. My mind stopped working, I stood there, too numb to move.

"Why did you stab me?", she repeated.

            I looked at her frozen until my brain screamed at me to help her. I raised my hand to comfort her but instead I'm shocked when I see a knife in my hand. The knife had blood on it.

"Why did you stab me?", Susan repeated again.

       The knife fell from my trembling hands. She was right, I stabbed her, I stabbed my bestfriend. I was a monster. I was a monster.

         Those words kept repeating themselves in my brain. A single tear escaped from my eye. I looked back at Susan to apologise but she wasn't there.
"Susan!", I called out,"Susan."
But she was gone. She vanished into thin air.
"Susan!", I screamed again and kept screaming and stopped only my throat gave up after all the shouting.

    Just as I stopped for taking a breath a hand snaked around my waist and pulled my back against a hard chest. I froze, unable to move, scared.
"You stabbed her buttercup", the man whispered in my ear.
"No. No. Nooooo........."

"Nooo", I screamed shooting up. I looked around frantically for Susan. She wasn't there, where was she. She could be in pain, she was stabbed.
"Susan, Susan", I screamed.

   I looked around the room but she wasn't there. I searched everywhere. She could be dying now and I was wasting time. I walked back and forth in the room. Confused, scared, helpless. I was so lost in thoughts about finding Susan that I didn't notice when Chance got up from the couch and walked up to me.

"Hey, it's alright I'm here, I'm with you. Don't worry, it was just a dream. Shhh", he whispered in my ear, holding me as close to him as possible.
        As soon as I relaxed and realised that it was just a dream, I sighed heavily.
"You need your medicine. The dreams have started again", he said now holding my shoulders and looking down at me.
"You are right. I need my meds, these stupid dreams keep plaguing me", I agreed with Chance.

"Come on, sit down. You just had a nightmare. Do you want to talk about it?", he asked me.
        I looked at him and then back to my hands. I nodded my head yes after a few minutes.

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