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     3 years back: 

           Am I happy? Is everyone around me happy? These questions kept popping up in my head. Some days were sad,  but most of them were filled with happiness. Today was the sad day. Was I supposed to feel sad. I don't think so, but you don't know before you'll get sad. It happens of its own accord. But I knew why I was sad. I would have to go through some tough things in a few minutes. I never liked it, but I didn't have an option. As I sat their, dazed I heard a distant sound of someone calling my name-


   The soft voice of my therapist broke me from the stream if my thoughts.

"Yes, I'm sorry, it happened again", I apologised to the beautiful woman sitting in front of me on a couch. Her posture was erect and everything about her screamed elegance. I couldn't begin to compare with her, I was too clumsy. I nervously peeked at her, was she mad because I got lost again. She was anything but angry. She was always calm with me. But that was her job.

Miss Luciana Morneau

She has been my therapist for more than an year now. Apart from being gentle her face had a calming vibe. I had never seen her angry. Her whole persona was tranquil and it also had a positive effect on the people around her. As far as I remember she never lost her patience with me. I wasn't a very good patient. I had caused trouble for her many times but she never raised her voice on me. She was so far the best therapist I've had.

"It's okay Sabrina. Should we get back to our session?"

     I nodded my head yes as we continued where we had left. And just like that my three hours session passed away in a wink.

"Sabrina I hope we can finish with these sessions soon. You've recovered a lot, I hope you can forget all of it", she said as she smiled at me. I smiled back and nodded my head. She smiled before her expression turned grave. It was rare to see her face with any other expression other than the smile she always wore. "You remember my warning right? Be careful Sabrina, it might cause you great harm. I don't want you to go through it all again. It will affect your health badly and may leave an emotional scar. It won't be so easy to cure it again, not even with therapy."

   I nodded my head and smiled to reassure her that I won't let that happen.

"Then we'll meet again next week", she said as her calm expression returned.


       I said my goodbyes and left her office. I walked out the building and searched with my eyes for a familiar face. My eyes stopped roaming through the crowd as they fell upon the face of a handsome man in his early twenties. He was standing next to a car, leaning on it as he checked his wrist time to time. He was waiting for someone but wasn't impatient as he stood there. Next to the car he stood tall as passerby's walked by with a few people glancing at him. Some even turning to take a second look. I chuckled as I watched this scene and walked straight to the place where this man was standing.

"Waiting for someone?" I inquired controlling my laughter.

"Only for you Madame", he replied, chuckling.

     We both laughed as I was engulfed in a bear hug. He kissed my head as I enjoyed his warm embrace. I looked up at him as I asked him the question that was lingering in my head.

"When were you back?"

"Just came back", he replied.

"Will you be staying longer this time?" I enquired.

"Going back after the weekend", he answered as he poked my head.

"You always come and leave in a hurry", I pouted.

He chuckled in response as he unwrapped his arms around me and looked me up and down.

"You look better. Have you been eating well?"

"Of course, I gained back a few kilos'", I answered proudly as I crossed my arms, wearing a smug expression.

"Good, good", he laughed as he rubbed my head, messing my hair. I slapped his hand away as he kept laughing at me.

"Are you going to keep annoying me or will we be going back. We're getting late", I complained.

"Waiting for your order ma'am."

"Let's go!"

"As you say little sister."

Austen Matthews

My older brother. Even though he was cocky with me at times he was a good person. He was loved by everyone and was the ideal child. Charming as he was, he was also a polite person. We were complete opposites. I was the naughty kid and he was the sweet and obedient kid. Although we were north and south we got along really well. He had saved me from Mom's scoldings a million times. For Austen nothing was more important than his little sister. I was his only weakness and he loved me dearly. So did I, Austen was the dearest to me and I could do anything for my sweet brother. Since he was older than me , he was already in college. Most of the times he was away as his college was in New York. He had enrolled in the NYU to study architecture. He visited us mainly on holidays and sometimes when he could take out time. His visits were never long, two to three days at the most. Even during the vacations he never visited as he volunteered in the projects with his professors. It was rare for him to visit us. Today I was surprised to find him waiting to pick me up from my session, but I somewhat expected it. He had earlier hinted it that he might me coming to visit us, for something special. Only I knew what he might be visiting us for. He was going to introduce us to his girlfriend. Mom and Dad still didn't know about this. It was a surprise for them. I on the other had pieced the information I had together.

"You never stay with us for more than three days. You should not forget your family", I complained.

"I took leave to visit you this time. I won't be back for at least six months after this", he said as he drove us through the streets.

"Six months! You've never been away for this long", I complained.

"Professor Demaree has been offered a huge project. He wants some of us to accompany him. It's good for my studies and also I'll learn a lot from this project. It still hasn't been confirmed but he talked with me about it. He wants me to go with him. But for that I'll need to work hard and get some small scale projects. He is willing to take me if I get some small projects. I can't dilly dally, if I get this opportunity it will be a huge opportunity for me", he explained it to me.

"But when then I won't be able to meet you for the next six months", I pouted.

"Don't worry little sis, if i get to go on this project I'll come visit you for at least ten days."

"What's the catch?"

"Can't fool you, can I?" He laughed.


"If I get this project Professor Demaree and I will leave for Italy. I won't be able to come back for a year."

"A year. That is too much", I cried.

"You'll understand. Once you focus on your goal. Maybe then you'll forget your poor older brother."

"I definitely will."

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