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       They say that you never truly forget the pain, it just numbs over time. You occupy yourself with other things and try to ignore it all together. Never trying to face it and get it over with. It's in human nature to run away from problems. Few have the courage to actually face it head on. Maybe if I had tried to face my fears and not run away from them, then maybe those months where I was tormented by nightmares would have never happened. And maybe I wouldn't be standing here, trembling in fear as Seth looked at me with those predatory eyes. I gulped in as much air as I could but my breath was shortening. It always happened whenever I thought of him, but now he was standing right in front of me. I needed my meds or else I wouldn't be able to breathe. I needed to calm myself but nothing worked. If this kept happening again and again, I fear I might die. Not that it mattered anymore, might even die now then getting killed by him. As my vision blurred I felt my knees buckle as I fell down. Before I lost consciousness I saw Seth smirking as he looked at me. He knew what was going on in my mind, he knew he had control on me now. He wanted me to fear him and he got successful in that. I feared him and he was enjoying every bit of it. As if reading my mind he raised an eyebrow, challenging me to defy him this time. I was done for, I lay there as the last of my vision was slowly robbed of me, wondering if Susie would forgive me now. I would finally be able to die. My only wish was that it was me instead of Susie who died that day. Maybe things wouldn't have been so terrible then.

I definitely wasn't dead yet because I woke up with a terrible pain in my head, I opened my eyes looking around for where I was. It was a room but the not the one from before. It had dark grey walls and was much more bigger than the small one me and Chance were kept in earlier. It was double the size of my own room. It also had windows luckily but I bet they were sealed off. I looked for a camera but found none. Other then this the room had a tv screen, and on my right a walk in closet with one door on its left, the bathroom I guess. This room was more luxurious then the one I was in earlier. But the room was dark. The curtains were drawn and the lights were switched off. I looked around trying to adjust my vision better when I heard a movement towards my left. I froze in my actions, very slowly and carefully I turned toward the direction of the noise. There was a couch on the left side of the room. On the couch was sitting a black figure. Although I couldn't see properly, I felt it's eyes on me. It didn't take a genius to guess who it was.

        Seth stood up from his seated position and walked towards me. My eyes had adjusted perfectly now. The little light in the room didn't hide his features as he closed in the distance. I moved back until my back hit the headboard. Not wanting to make any wrong movements I paused in my actions. Seth slowly leaned over the bed and dragged me closer, our noses touching. I held in my breath not wanting to anger him. He was looking me in the eyes, his eyes as grey as I remember. The only difference was that they no longer looked at me with love. His eyes were dark and emotionless. I gulped not knowing what to do. One wrong action and I'd be dead any second. Suddenly the room was flooded with life. I blinked for a few seconds because of the sudden attack of light. Once I adjusted to the light I looked at  Seth who was now standing straight. He was holding a glass of water and a medicine in his other hand. Holding it out in front of me he finally spoke,"Take this."
I looked at him with confusion and fear.
"Don't worry, it's not poison. It will help with the panic attacks", he said.
Wait, how did he know about my panic attacks. No one except me and my family knew about them. I hadn't even told Laura about them. How did he know?
"I have my own means. You think I don't know what you did for the entire last year. My men were always following you  and kept me updated about you", he answered my doubts.
Why wasn't I surprised? For even once I hadn't realised that I was being followed. Maybe I was too relieved over the fact that he was sent to jail that I forgot he belonged to a gang. I took the medicine and glass of water from his hands, all while avoiding any touch that I could. Hesitantly I took the medicine. I had no choice, if I didn't take it I would be struck with a worse panic attack. I didn't like them at all. Once I was left hospitalised because of the severity. I hadn't needed them for the past two months. But I guess the recent incidents had caused to bring back the memories from which I had hidden away successfully. Why wouldn't they have come back, when the source of those dreams was standing in front of me.
After swallowing the medicine I gave the glass back to him. He took it from me and kept it on the side table. I expected him to leave but instead of leaving he sat down on the bed. Avoiding contact I scooter over to the other side but he was quicker. Grabbing my arm he pulled me towards him. With his other hand he slowly touched my face. He looked at my face as if looking at a painting. Why was he being so gentle? I expected him to slap me or something for sending him to jail. When he finally locked eyes with me he spoke,"I'm only being nice because I've missed you buttercup. It doesn't mean I have forgotten all the things you did. Your parting gift is still with me." Saying this he stopped touching my face and lifted his shirt up, pointing towards a scar near his ribs. I gasped, it was the place where I had stabbed him. I looked from the scar to Seth. I was afraid would be an understatement.
"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. At least not yet, but it would be better if you just give in to me. I don't want to hurt you Sabrina, don't make things hard for yourself. Just listen to me and don't try to disrespect me", he warned me as he stroked my face with the back of his hand. I was too scared to move, he was being kind to me but he meant whatever he said. It was a warning that if I didn't listen to him he would not hesitate hurting me.
I could not do anything, I was trapped. Realising the weight of his words I broke down as I started crying. I closed my eyes not wanting to see Seth. I was trying to run again, why was I such a coward? I couldn't let him do this to me. But I was too scared, scared of what he might do. What he did next shocked me.  He kissed me, He kissed me slowly and softly, as if trying to calm me. But it had the opposite effect, I could no longer stop my tears from falling. I was too afraid of what might happen to me. I let him kiss me as I sat there frozen not taking any chances.
If this is how life was going to be from now I had no hope left. I was too broken, too afraid.......too empty. Susan's death had affected me in more ways than I could fathom. When I had finally forgotten about it, Seth came back. If only I hadn't let him come to my life in the first place. I was a happy kid but he changed me. He was so kind to me and loved me, but he had changed and changed so much that I no longer knew what to expect from him.
                          And now he was being too calm. I knew that I shouldn't disturb this calm. If disturbed I don't know what storm would follow.

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