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Fear makes us do things. Things we think we aren't even capable of. It changes people, it reveals their true selves. It possesses the minds of countless people. It controls them as efficiently as a puppeteer controls its puppets. And at the very moment it was controlling me.
Seth knew this. He knew I feared him. He wasn't going to let me take off any time soon. He was controlling me at the very moment. Controlling me through fear, and I was too weak to stop him. So I let him, I let him control me. Fat tears spilled down my cheeks as Seth held me and kissed me. He stopped soon and held my face in his hands. Carefully he wiped off the tears with his fingers. He was being so gentle with me, so much that I almost forgot that he was a criminal. His touch made me want to go back in time. Back when he was kind and made me laugh. I had never liked Seth because of same interests. It was just the base of our friendship. Before he became my boyfriend, he was my friend. His kindness and the way he made me laugh drew me towards him. He was unlike others, he didn't want the things that other guys wanted. Or so I thought.
But that was all in the past. He changed, he killed Susan, he blackmailed me and then he almost tried to rape me. Those horrible things were done by Seth. And now again he kidnapped me and also dragged Chance into it. If he wanted to hurt me for sending him to jail, why was he being so gentle? Why?
I looked at Seth with tear filled eyes, question him. As if he could read my mind he answered to my unspoken question,"Because I can't loose you again Sabrina", he whispered softly.
And that did it, his words broke me apart. Tearing and gnawing at me. I felt a terrible pain start to develop in my chest. It started slow, started when he said those words. And slowly it increased, making it hard for me to breathe. I tried to breath but for that I had to be calm. And right now I wasn't calm. The pain was becoming unbearable. His words broke me and at the same time sealed my fate, sealed it to him. I knew he wouldn't let me escape this time. I was at his mercy. He could kill me anytime he liked yet his words and actions said different. The pain had now become too much for me. I cried in pain as Seth pulled me towards him. He pulled me on his lap and hugged me. He rubbed my back as if telling me that it was going to be okay. My tears had stopped now. I felt a calm taking over my panic. My breathing turned back to normal. Even after I was calm Seth didn't let me go. He kept rubbing my back as if comforting me. Slowly I started to fall asleep . Just as I was about to drift off I whispered to Seth the last question. I wanted to ask him that why was I still feeling so calm after everything happened. And why was the reason for all those horrible things the same reason for bringing me this peace.
As if he understood what I wanted to ask he answered,"You know why."
I could almost imagine him smiling as he answered that. The smile which caused butterflies in my stomach. Satisfied for now I drifted of to sweet sleep, where nothing had happened. Where Susie was alive, and Seth was just a normal person and a place where we were just a boy and a girl who loved each other. Just thinking about those things made me smile as I went far away from the reality, far away from the place which made me want to run, to a place where no one could hurt me, a place where I was not scared.

"Better luck next time looser", I laughed as I looked at Seth's beaten face.
"Aww come on man, it's not fair", he complained.
"Not my fault you suck at skipping rocks", I taunted.
"Not my fault you suck at skipping rocks", he mimicked me.
"Don't be a sore loser."
"Don't be a sore loser."
"Sabrina is the best."
"Sabrina is the... wait what?"
"See, now stop pouting and try harder. I'm not gonna let you beat me yet."
"Whatever stupid"
"Yeah Yeah looser!"
Seth was trying his best not to pout but he was terrible at acting. He loved to tease me so he kept trying to do so. Instead of succeeding he always ended up getting teased. But I could clearly see through his hidden motives. He let me boss him around and do whatever I wanted. He just wanted to make me happy. I had caught him staring at me and smiling to himself a lot of times. He looked like a love struck teenage girl. It was cute when he tried to give excuses when caught staring.
"Sabrina", he spoke breaking me from my train of thoughts.
"Do you know what I was thinking?", he said as he pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around his waist as he rested his chin on the top of my head.
"That you'll never be able to beat me at skipping rocks."
"Yeah", he said. I could almost see him smiling as he answered"but you know what else I want to say?"
"I love you."
As he said those words my heart almost exploded with joy. I smiled to myself as I snuggled closer to Seth. I know, I already know it I said to myself. It was the first time Seth had said those words to me but to me it was the thousandth time. Every time he had made me laugh I could hear him say it. His eyes said it all. When he spoke those words for the first time, a warm feeling spread through me. I was so happy that I couldn't even speak. Instead I said it with my heart, I screamed those words. Anyone watching us wouldn't hear me saying them, yet I said them, wanting him to hear them.
I love you too.
As if he could hear them clearly he smiled as he spoke,"I know you do buttercup."

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