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Hello lovely readers,

   I hope my rough explanation satisfied you. I know it doesn't make up to you but i hope this will satisfy you, even if a little. Thank you for bearing with me. I know the ending was promised a long time back but i wanted to finish it properly. I will remove the story but if some of you want it to stay I'll rethink my decision.

  The reason I quit this story was because as I was writing, the characters took a life of their own. Seth was meant to be a bad person with no character development. And Sabrina was to be a weak willed main lead who had a deep trauma due to the loss of her best friend. But as I kept on writing, Seth took a life of his own. He wasn't an entirely good or bad person but a grey character. He loved Sabrina too much that his love took on a dark turn. He was only ever sweet and kind to her but realising that he could be left anytime for Susan made him direct all his anger towards her. Therefore he beats her up and blackmails Sabrina. Susan's death was an accident but that doesn't make Seth redeemable. He still threatens Sabrina and sexually assaults her. Having come out of jail he kidnaps her and blackmails her to leave with him. But being given a second chance by Sabrina he improves and eventually tries to make up for everything bad he has done. I know it is twisted, but Seth took over the story. He is supposed to be the villain but I cannot force things. He may be a morally grey character but he truly does love Sabrina. She was his redemption, the reason why he accepted his wrongs and decided to change, to see her happy.

It may be unsatisfying to many readers and a lot may not accept the ending. But this is the story I wanted to tell. Everybody deserves a second chance and everyone deserves love. I hope you enjoyed the story. If you want to, you can give my next story a try. I'll be very thankful for the support.

Do leave comments, I would love to know your opinion. It was a long and tiring journey for you. Thank you and love you.

Stay safe and healthy.



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