1: The Bet

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"Alright, alright, tilt it a little more to the left." Yvonne instructed me, as I held the poster a little higher, then sticking it to the wall.

We were currently sticking the posters for the very first getaway competition to the wall. Every year, the 'Wanderlust Club' host a competition where a maximum of 10 students get to go on a trip, where they can bond and fall in love with nature. This year, students from 5 choice schools in the district will have the chance to win a 3 week vacation to Hawaii ; all expenses paid for. And of course, as Yvonne is the chairperson of the Interact club, she helped in promoting the event and organizing everything.

I would literally pay money just to spend time with Yvonne, even if we were just hanging out casually or doing nothing. As long as we were doing nothing together, hanging out with her would be fine.

Since the competition was basically running track, I couldn't enter. I wasn't that fast of a runner, and I couldn't do anything about it. So as far as this competition is concerned, there's no way I'm going to be having coconut milk anytime soon.

"Are you guys seriously still doing this?"

I jumped at the sound of a male voice, falling off the chair and into someone's arms. Leon and I locked eyes briefly before he dropped me abruptly.

"Fuck!" I groaned as my ass made contact with the ground hard. "What is wrong with you?"

Yvonne grabbed one of my arms while Nathan grabbed the other. They both helped me up, and I let Yvonne dust my behind a little. Hey, it was the only contact I'd get with her for the time being.

"I did not expect you to fall into my arms." Leon smiled sheepishly. "I'm sorry you fell."

"You're lucky you're my friend and a girl, I would've punched the living daylights out of you," Nathan jokingly threatened, his hand finding Leon's.

"Whatever, Nathaniel." I rolled my eyes.

We waited in the halls for Derek to come so we could all go to the student study hall. Derek was usually a little late when coming to meet us, either with his girlfriend or sleeping in. The only thing that makes me wonder is how he still maintains perfect attendance in class with how late he is for registration in the morning. I don't even know how he did this for an entire semester, I guess the education system in Melbourne is shitty.

When I felt a tap on my shoulder, I instantly turned around to find Derek. He was smiling widely, his gaze shifting from me to Yvonne, who had her headphones in already, minding her own business.

I sighed. The entire semester, I had tried spending time with Yvonne trying to grow our friendship into something probably more. I didn't know her sexuality, so I wasn't sure if I was supposed to be bold. I wasn't as courageous as Leon, who spent a whole 3 weeks being a stalker to get a chance to talk with Nathan, I was different. I don't assume people's sexual orientation, and I sure as hell wasn't going to start now.

Talking to Yvonne wasn't that good this semester. She was basically a workaholic and a music lover; either engrossed in her interact club or shutting the world out by putting music on. She barely even had time to talk to me outside school. That was how hard it was.

I shrugged and we all made our way to the student study for registration.


"Ladies and gentlemen, we still have a few spots open for the competition being held this Friday. A gentle reminder that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, so do grab it when you can." Our principal held up the sheet of names. "Any takers?"

"If only I could run track, I would've joined the competition." Yvonne sighed, "I've always wanted to go to Hawaii."

"Same." I agreed.

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