10: Day 7

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There was a time Derek and I had seen eye to eye a little too much.

Growing up with Derek and Leon, we knew each other inside and out. Leon had been my next door neighbor, and Derek had been his sporty friend. We only became friends because I almost decked him with a football one time in preschool. I'm not the best at aiming.

Since the football incident, we grew closer. Derek and I were very different, with him being the daredevil and I being the slightly responsible one. We bickered like siblings, but defended each other like boyfriend and girlfriend. We even cuddled some times when we were lonely, it has always been that way.

That was until we hooked up that night.

I remember the night so clearly; Leon was still trying to get Nathan, and I was single at the time. Derek had come over, and somehow, we ended up tearing each other's clothes and....you know the rest.

We started dating then. Him and I were one of the golden couples; call it athlete to nerd girl if you may. Either way, it was adorable, and sustainable. A relationship where you were friends first is probably the best in my books.

Derek and I had broken up for one reason; he hurt Leon. Although it was a way to throw an obstacle in Leon's bet, I would never let anyone hurt Leon, whether they're my boyfriend or not. Leon is like a brother to me, and I'd hunt down all those who hurt him if I could. Leon has and will always be like family to me, maybe that's why i couldn't stand it when Derek gave him a dare that Leon would probably not overcome without some help. Maybe that's why I dumped him.

Maybe that was the wrong decision.

As I sit on the steps staring at the ocean, the thoughts swirl my mind. Thoughts of what Derek and I could've been, thoughts of why I dumped him in the first place. The music in the distance from the bonfire party temporarily distracted me, but it all came back to the thoughts of who I really want to be with.

Kicking the sand, I stand up and walk closer to the shore. My eyes then dart to the rest of the crew enjoying themselves; the organizers had told us that there's going to be a bonfire each week end. Today was day 7, and so far, the trip was a success.

I watch as Yvonne and Jameela dance together, their movement syncing with each other. I could tell Yvonne was having fun, and I was happy for her. All I want is for everyone to be happy.

My eyes then go back to the ocean, my thoughts drifting once again. I didn't want to be with anyone at the moment because Derek and Nathan had snuck some booze in and people were half drunk out of their mind.

"Penny for your thoughts?" A recognizable voice asked me.

"I'd be a millionaire if I had a penny for each one of them." I tell Derek, turning to face him, "I thought you were having fun?"

"Can't have fun if one of my life lines isn't having fun." He shrugged, taking a sip from his cup, "What's going on? Why aren't you having fun?"

"I just didn't want to get drunk out of my mind like some people." I poked him, "Go ahead and drink, I'll be here."

"I'm not drinking."

"That's tequila."

"It's water, Cecelia." He tipped the cup and surely it was water, "I don't drink at parties anymore. I'd like to remember what I did at them thank you very much."

"I thought you were gonna say it's bad for you."

"I don't care about that, Cece." He laughed, "I never did."

"I suppose you're right." I answered back, kicking the sand once again, "Go join them, Jessica is probably waiting for you."

"Jess is talking to Brandon right now, she isn't sober." He quietly said, "I'll take he back to he room soon."

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