23: Day 20

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(A/N: Song for the second part of the chapter is up above. When you start that part, I suggest you listen to the song. It makes more sense that way;) )

With only one last day left before we return on the 22nd day, the rest of us planned for the best bonfire of all time.

Derek and Brandon were fixing the stands, while Jess, Kim and Nathan picked the music. Jameela and Gia were out fetching wood and supplies, and Leon was with me chilling by the ocean. Yvonne was still up in the bedroom, and I couldn't go visit her because she didn't want to talk to me yet.

If you think about it, I only had one last day left, and that's tomorrow, and she still didn't want to talk to me. I didn't know how she was feeling about the entire bet, and I was honestly not sure of what to do. According to Jameela, she had spoken to Yvonne and promised me that Yvonne would come around. If she was going to come around, then when the hell is she going to do it?

"I talked to Derek." Leon broke our impenetrable silence, "Cece, you didn't do anything that bad."

"Please, I'm tired of everyone telling me that no one is mad at me but they're still ignoring me. I just want them to come up to me direct, and tell me something is wrong. It's better than sending henchmen to come and tell me how wrong I am." I play with the sand, "Just be direct guys."

"You have to be direct." He argued, "Go tell Derek you're sorry. Go tell Yvonne you like her. Go tell them the truth. Finish it once and for all."

"But neither of them want to talk to me." I mutter, playing with the sand, "I would do it if I got the chance-"

"Instead of waiting for the chance, go create the fricking chance, Cece." Leon snapped his fingers, "Wake up."

"I'm not as confident as you."

"You're way more confident than me. For chrissake, you were the one who helped me with my bet. You were way more bolder than I was in approaching the bet. You didn't write letters to your crush in hopes of them falling in love with you through words." He made me laugh with the last statement, referencing what he did to get Nathan.

"Stop making me laugh, Leon." I chuckled, and he smiled at me.

"I'm your best friend, it's what I'm supposed to do." He shrugged, "Remember what we used to do when we were kids?"

"By the beach? You mean-"

Before I could finish the statement, he threw some sand on me. I squealed, stood up and began running away from him.

"Sand monster!" I yelled, referencing how when we were kids one of us would pretend we were the sand monster, ready to bury them alive.

"Don't you scream or the sand monster will bury you alive!" He growled jokingly, and chased me across the beach.


By the time it was evening, everyone had set up the place real nice. I looked at the temporary stage and saw the screen and projector. Nate was by the table with Leon, checking the sound system. According to Jess and Jameela, we were going to have a karaoke party first, and then just have fun. So, Nate and Kim asked me to check the mic and see if it was working.

"Testing, testing, 1 2 3." I said into the mic, "Can I sing something guys?"

"Yeah go ahead. Which song?" Nathan looked up from the laptop and looked at me.

I thought about it a bit, "Imagine if by Gnash."

A small smile appeared on Leon's face, "The one with Ruth B?"

I nodded, and the song started.

I started singing a bit, and when I got to the chorus, Yvonne came down. She looked around a bit, and then looked at me. She then came onto the small makeshift stage and picked up the other mic, and began to sing Ruth's part.

"Would you be a stranger or would we be more than friends?" She looked me in the eyes as she sang.

We circled each other as our voices mingled on the duet part, "I just got caught up in the moment. Didn't even realize we were broken..."

She then got closer to me, and I held her hand, spinning her around, "Imagine if I knew how to turn back, time."

The rest began to clap as we started the chorus again and Yvonne genuinely looked like she was having fun. It was as if she forgot the temporary tension, and just wanted to let go. I was happy, at least, for a moment.

I went in for a hug as the song ended, and she didn't reciprocate. She just stared at Derek blankly, and then removed my hands off of her. She walked off the stage, and I gaped at her.

Leon played another song, "Umbrella" by Ember Island.

"You have my heart, we'll never be world's apart" I sang loudly, stopping Yvonne, "Maybe in magazines, but you'll still be my star."

She stopped briefly, and then walked off and back upstairs.

The karaoke version played for a bit longer, until Derek began to sing.

"When the sun shines we shine together." He walked up slowly.

"Told you I'd be here forever, said I'd always be a friend, took an oath said I'd stick it out till the end." I sang back as he approached me.

"Now that it's raining more than ever, know that we still have each other. You can stand under my umbrella," Leon chimed in, joining us on the stage as we all linked arms.

"You can stand under my umbrella!" The entire group sang together.

We all gathered, and formed a circle on the stage, gently singing. We all got lost in the moment, reminiscing on the time we spent together. As the guitar played for the hook, a surprising voice joined us.

"It's raining, oh baby it's raining." We turned to see Yvonne walk towards us, a smile on her face, "You can always come into me."

We joined in on the last parts of the hook, and she joined the circle.

I had thought we were now on good terms, but as she avoided my eyes, I knew there was something holding her back.

And I had to confront it, either today, or tomorrow.

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