18: Day 15

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Derek and I agreed to sit down with each other to talk game strategy. Everyone else were either in the lounge talking, or by the beach, swimming. So Derek and I took the time to sit by the table, and talk about it.

"What are we going to do? You only have a week left Cece." He reminded me, "So far you're getting nowhere."

"I don't know if we should go through with it, Derek." I mutter, looking at Yvonne and Jessica, who were sunbathing, "This might not end well."

"But I thought you hated backing out of challenges." Derek frowned, "Do you really want to back out now? You have come farther than i thought you would."

"I know, but I just don't have a good feeling about this." My mind drifted off a bit, "Jameela-"

"She won't do shit." Derek scoffs.

"Who? Me?" A voice answered instead.

Jameela stood besides the table with Brandon by her, smirking at me. Not wanting to seem weak, I stand up, and Derek stands too.

"Yeah you." I voice out, crossing my arms.

She laughed, "Oh Cece, this is going to be lovely."

"What is?"

"What we have planned for you tonight." Brandon's lips twitched up, "It's gonna be awesome."

"I don't trust that." Derek stated.

"I mean, it's gonna be great for us, not Cecelia. I wonder what she's going to do when-"

"Shut up, Brandon, I didn't come here with you to reveal everything." Jameela looked me straight in the eyes, "How about we make a bet?"

My heart stopped momentarily at the word 'bet' and I immediately thought the worst. But nonetheless, I nodded.

"What the hell is it?"

"You and Derek will take on me and Brandon in a series of activities. Derek and Brandon will arm wrestle, and you and I will play chess." Jameela explained, "If you win, I'll leave Yvonne alone for some time. But if I win, you have to do the same."

"That's it?" I teased, this would be so easy.

"Oh no, that's not all." She smiled at me, "We're going to play truth or dare with the others. You up for it?"

"How about the challenges? So it's just 2?"

"These challenges should be the least of your worries, honestly. Because after tonight, you'll be in for-"

"Let's go, Brandon." Jameela interrupted, "See you soon, losers." She left Derek and I gaping at them.

"Alright, something's definitely going on." Derek murmured, "What do we do?"

"Whatever they have planned for truth or dare, we avoid it. We're going to have to lie."

"You hate lying."

"I don't care. If lying is going to get me out of this fix, then so be it." I nod, more determined than ever, "We lie."

He nods back in agreement, then leaves to meet up with Jessica. I leave the area to prep for tonight.

If Jameela is right, then this might be an awesome night after all.


Derek and Brandon were up first.

With us, his friends, cheering him on, there was no way he could lose. He was really strong, and could overpower anyone in a split second. I had complete and absolute faith in him, and even if he didn't win, I had faith in myself.

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