20: Day 17

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I had new courage in me as I woke up this morning, timidly watching Yvonne ignore me. She would leave early in the morning, and return late at night when I fell asleep. This was her attempt to avoid me, and it was working.

Derek hasn't talked to me either, only Jess, Nate and Lee. They all talked to me this morning, while the others ignored me and the tension filled in the room. Yvonne currently went off somewhere with Jameela, and with the way Jameela looked at me, it was clear in her eyes;

She won.

I stand up and go to the beach. Setting my feet into the sand, I undress until I'm left in my bikini only. Leaving my things safely on the sand, I make my way towards the ocean, and feel a tingling feeling as the water meets my skin. I go deeper until my body is covered in water, the water stopping at my neck. Holding my breath, I go down, and look around; the ocean was beautiful, and the fish were swimming peacefully. I finally get back to the surface, and just swim a bit.

Besides chess, swimming used to be another way to cool myself or distract myself from my thoughts. It was always a serene activity that actually had me mesmerized for the longest time, and it definitely did the trick in helping me let go.

I swim back to the shore and quickly get out, getting my stuff. As I pick up my dress, I look back up to see one of the twins standing in front of me. She had a passive look on her face, and handed me a towel. I cautiously dried myself as I watched her.

"I need you to understand that Jameela isn't a bad person." The twin said, "She need was."

I gave her an incredulous look, "Right, because her fighting me every step of the way wasn't bad. She's a great person." I sarcastically said.

Based on her statement, Gia continued to stare me down, "I promise you, she's not a bad person."

"How do you know?" I ask her, giving her back the towel and pulling the dress over my head.

"Because, she's my friend, and I know what's going on." Gia shrugged, "Just know this; she isn't a bad person, Cecelia."

With that, she gave me a nod, and turned around to start walking.


"You better stop frowning before I carve a smile onto your face."

I turned around to find Jessica, her famous red hair pulled into a messy bun. She walked towards me as I watched the scenery, and she stood besides me.

"Better get to carving then." I joked.

"What's going on, Cecelia?"

"Other than your boyfriend not talking to me? Oh, nothing much." I fake smile, "Just chilling alone, you know, with my thoughts. They make some good company for intangible things."

"You couldn't think of anything else?"

"Does it look like I have time to think of anything else?" I ask her.

"Alright, no need to get hostile. I just came to make sure you're okay."

"No, no I'm not." I looked down, "I fucked up."

"Big time too. I mean, you messed up your friendship with both Yvonne and Derek-"

"Thanks for reminding me." I look at her, ready to leave, "Now if you'll excuse me."

She stood in my way, holding my arm, "Listen, I didn't come to remind you of that. I came to be a friend, cause I haven't been that in a while."

"Yeah, you're right." I agree, trying to move but she stops me again, "Can I leave?"

"To go where Cece? Yvonne is in your room, Derek is in his room with Leon, and Nate is swimming. Where are you going to go?"

I thought about that for a bit. Noticing how powerless I am in the situation, I stand back where I was, and watch the scenery again. Jessica stood besides me once again, and put her arm around me.

"It's gonna be okay. I promise, okay?" Jess started, "Things like this happen."

"Do they happen to you?"

She didn't reply, and I got concerned, "Is everything okay Jess?"

She sighed, "Derek..."

"Jess, go to him." I stated, "He needs you more than I do."

"But it's chicks before dicks."

"Now it is?" I rolled my eyes, "I'm serious, I'm going to be okay. Just go to him."

She removed her arm from my shoulders, and gave me a kiss on the cheek. After that, she left and I decided to go to my room in hopes of confronting Yvonne.

I enter the room and close it, locking the door. She's on her headphones, not paying attention to me, and when I clear my throat, she looks up at me. Standing up, she walks past me, making her way to the door.

I follow her and before she can unlock it, I turn her around. She looked annoyed, and pulled her headphones down.

"What?" She hissed at me.

"Can we talk? Please?" I asked her, pouting.

She huffed and crossed her arms, "Was this another bet that Derek set you up to?" She mocked me and before I could respond, "Actually it's cool, I don't care anyways. I'll see you tonight, Cecelia." She turned back around, unlocked the door, opened it and left.

I stared at the door for sometime, trying to figure out what to do next. How the hell was I going to talk to Yvonne if she didn't want to talk to me?

"This is gonna be a long 4 days." I mutter, heading back to my bed to ponder my next move.

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