5: Day 2

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"Leon!" Yvonne threw a pillow at him.

"What? Your outfit would look better if it wasn't color coordinated."

"You wouldn't understand, you're a boy." She scoffed while adjusting her bow in front of the mirror.


"You're friends with a misogynist, so obviously you're a misogynist too." I piped in, defending Yvonne.

"Thank you!"

"Idiots." Leon uttered under his breath as Nathan continued to slurp his coconut milk.

The boys came to invade our room early in the morning. With Derek and Jessica up first for their little ride, Leon and Nate came to visit Yvonne and I without any permission. They literally just showed up by our door.

"So like the coconut milk here is actually so tasty." Nathan said while sipping his out his straw, "Like you guys really need to try it."

"I will later on today. What were they serving for breakfast downstairs?" She asked Nathaniel.

"The basics. Eggs, bacon, or salami with some rolls. Pretty neat stuff." Nate answered, "You're planning to go down?"

"Yeah, in a few." She stood from her place and looked at me, "You better eat something your stomach will be fine with before we head on over there."

I blushed and Leon burst into laughter, "Derek told me what happened-"

"Shut up, Leo." I glared at him and picked up my backpack, "Not a word of the incident."

"What happened?" Nathan asked.

"Not a word, James." I sneered, standing up to push both Leon and Nate out of our room, "Yvonne, help me."

"Give me a second." She stood and helped me push them.

"Jesus, we'll get out on our own, stop touching me!" Leon shrieked as we finally pushed him out of the room.

"That sounded so wrong." Nathan frowned at him.

"Calm down Nate, she's my little sister." Leon winked at me, "We'll see you guys later?"

"Definitely." Yvonne shut the door in his face and turned to stare at me, "Do we need to ask for a brown bag just in case you get sick again?"

"I think I'll be fine." I shrugged, walking away from her and packing my bag, "Aren't you excited?"

"I thought I was until I realized I got someone to help me out." I grinned.


I nodded and she came and gave me a hug.

"Wow, thanks." She squeezed me a bit before pulling back, "But for precautionary measure, I'm gonna get one. Do you think I can braid your hair so that it's easier for you to throw up?"

"Do you really think I'll throw up?"

"No, but it's no bad to take a precaution." She quipped, pulling my hair back and began to braid, "Your hair is so silky."

"Thank you, I use coconut oil." I told her, "What do you use?"

"I use castor oil, makes my hair look thicker. For my skin I use shea butter cause why not?" She said while braiding downwards, "You're gonna look like a goddess with this braid."

"Thanks for doing this." I said quietly.

"Of course babe."

I was taken back for a moment, not sure if I heard her right. Did she just call me babe?

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