2: Winners

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Yvonne, Derek, Leon and I stood by the bleachers, watching as Nate took his position on the track. Today was the day we'd see the student here-who'd have a chance to take a partner of their choice with them to Hawaii - would win the competition.

I had no doubt in my mind that Nathan would win, he was the captain of the track team after all. I wasn't nervous at all. What I was nervous about, was how I'd be able to win the bet.

Like I said before, Yvonne hasn't talked about having a crush on anybody, or even mentioned a celebrity crush. She left no clues to what type of person she liked, and that was a huge problem for me.

I wondered about the trip to Hawaii. If Nathan was to win this, would Yvonne agree to go with me? Would she agree to spend time with me? Would we have any chemistry as we explore Hawaii together? Would she color coordinate her outfits like she always did?

The last question was irrelevant to the dilemma I'm in. I knew for a fact she was going to bring her headphones, and I had to find a way to distract her from her music quickly.

Today was the only day I saw her without her headphones placed on her neck. She didn't even look like she put much effort into her outfit(don't worry, the colors still match), she was wearing a red jumpsuit, with black sneakers and her curly brown hair bursting out into a beautiful afro.

This girl makes anything look good.

"Hey." She elbowed me in the ribs playfully, her voice being more than audible in the amount of noise everyone at the fields was making, "It's about to start."

I looked at her and saw that playful glint in her eyes, and she looked back at me. The wind was blowing some of her hair in front of her face, and I took the time to push a few of the flying strands right behind her ear, making her smile at me with her plump lips. She looked away and her eyes darted back to the tracks. I blushed a bit, looking back at the tracks as well.

"Ooh." Derek cooed in my ear, "Somebody is getting brave."

"Derek." I rolled my eyes, "I was just being a friend."

"That was certainly a friendly gesture." I didn't need to look at him, but I could feel his smirk miles away.

I pushed my glasses back down so that I could see the runners properly. A couple of months back, I had abandoned wearing contacts frequently, only wearing them when I absolutely needed to. Leon had said I look much better in my glasses, and I couldn't agree more. They weren't thoss big, thick rimmed glasses you normally see in movies; mine had a thin rim, and the color was silver. I also chose these because the glasses seemed to fit me, a person who was short sighted. The lenses of the glasses were pretty neat too.

"On your marks...... get set....... GO!"

The competition had started, and Nathan was easily in the lead already. It was a 1500meters race, and I had time to divulge into Nathan's strategy for years now. Nathan always started strong, weighing back down in the middle to preserve his strength, and then flash back into first for his star finish like he always used to.

I looked at Leon, who was cheering his boyfriend on. It was nice to see him happy, and it was nice to know that I could be part of his happiness if fate is on my side.

The boys were nearing the finish line, and it was almost time for Nathan's big finish. Nate started gearing up, his legs picking up speed, his strides becoming longer. I admired his strategy and perseverance to his craft.

Nathan was neck and neck with another guy on the track team, their speed growing as they tried to pass each other. Yvonne grabbed my hand and squeezed it, then began to chant.

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