9: Day 6

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"It hasn't even been a week and I already want to leave." Nathan groaned, laying on the sand as we waited for Miss Iona, "Like we haven't done anything interesting."

"We would have if there weren't certain people that didn't have beef." Kim sighed, playing with the watch in her hands.

"Cecelia and Jameela you mean?" I hit Leon's arm as he said that.

"Who else?" Derek's arm was next, but I hit him harder than I hit Leon, "Violent much?" He rolled his eyes.

"Not even close." I glared at him, "Not even."

"Okay, Cece." He gave me a light shrug before focusing on everyone in the circle we had formed, "What do you think they called us here for?"

"Possibly to let us know what we're doing next." Yvonne answered, her finger still in the sand as she drew a picture, "There is no other logical reason to call us here when they could have just adressed us at the table."

"She's right, we're probably here to do some of that team building crap." Brandon added, "What do you think, JJ?"

"Who's JJ?" Derek asked.

"It's Jameela, it's what I call her at school." He answered, "Jameela Jones?"

"Didn't have to tell the idiots my full name, Bran." She scoffed, "But I do agree with both Yvonne and Brandon, we're here to bond or whatever."

As if on cue, Miss Iona showed up with two other men: they were holding poles and when they stopped, stuck them into the sand. Miss Iona smiled at us, and asked us to stand. We stood and looked at the poles, watching as the men put another one on top of the two.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we've found a few safe activities for you today." She began, proudly placing a hand to her chest, "Today, we'll be playing."

"Limbo?" Yvonne asked, already stretching.

"How did you know?"

"Well your pole setters gave it away honestly." Jameela pointed at them before walking to Yvonne, "So we're gonna compete against each other or something?"

"No. If I recall, for volleyball we had picked captains of two teams and they had picked two members. So, that will be your team till we leave!" She clapped, "This guy will be monitoring your progress, I'll see you all later." She walked away with the other man, leaving the other to watch over us.

"That's cool. When do we start? Or more importantly, whose going to start?" Jameela asked.

"Since our team let yours start, I think it's only logic for my team to start." Nathan shrugged, "Unless you have any objections?"

Kim spoke for her sister, "No, she doesn't. We'll let you start."

"Give us a couple of minutes to plan a game strategy?"

"It's just limbo, not serious, but okay." Kim nodded.

Nathan gave her a glittering smile and turned to us, "Huddle."

We huddled with each other and Nate was the first to speak, "Who's going first?"

"Definitely not Cece, she sucks at everything."

"Except being whipped over-"

"Derek you're 5 seconds away from having your dick chopped into little pieces." I threatened.

"Oh please, then what are you going to use for your pleasure?"

"What?" The rest asked at the same time, and I tried kicking Derek.

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