4: Welcome To Hawaii

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The plane landing harshly took me out of my sleep. I opened my eyes slowly, and felt at ease since Yvonne was rubbing my head gently.

"You're awake." She whispered as I sat up straight.

"I am." I smiled, "Thanks for..helping me with my fear i guess. And also for helping me fix my little problem earlier."

"You mean throwing up?"

"Uh, yeah, that." I closed my eyes, hoping that it was a bad dream and I did not throw up on my crush.

"No biggie, you didn't really throw up on me, you did it in the bag." She laughed, "Although it was fun babying you."

"Not funny." I joked, "You're mean."

"You know that was funny." She leaned back in her seat, "At least you passed out as soon as you finished."

"So does that mean I conquered my fear of flying?"

"Not really, you were asleep for most of the flight that I had to eat on behalf of you." She laughed, "Kidding."

"Right. Are we here?" I asked again.

"We are, why else would the plane stop? Emergency landing?" She mocked, "Anyways, we're here."

"Finally." I said as we stood up together, "By the way, thanks again."

"For what?"

"For helping me sleep. I don't think I would've gotten through with the flight if it weren't for you."

"Don't worry about it. Anything for a friend." She winked, making my stomach drop at the word friend, "Time to leave!"


The ride to Four seasons Resort was quite harrowing. Yvonne hadn't looked at me with the same sincerity, she instead gave me the look you make when you did something stupid. Of course I did, but I didn't need to feel bad about it, right?

Who am I kidding? Of course I did.

Yvonne had caught up to Leon, Jessica and Nathan, leaving me to walk with Derek.

"Heard you threw up on Yvonne." He chuckled, "What did I tell you about eating spicy chicken?"

"It was a mistake, Derek. And I did not throw up on her exactly." I rolled my eyes, "God, you're making this worse for me."

"Hey, I'm not the one that decided to spill my guts out to my crush. When I meant let it all out to Yvonne, I didn't mean your lunch." I hit his arm, "Don't abuse me, I don't want to get thrown up on too."

"For chrissake Derek, stop with the vomit jokes. They're almost as disgusting as you."

"Rude much?"

"Let's drop it, okay?" I sighed, "It happened one time."

"What if you lose this bet? I mean, you're not off to the best start."

"I still don't need your help to get a girl." I rolled my eyes, "Now shut up."


When the group stopped, we looked at the surroundings. Four seasons Resort was much bigger than I had anticipated.

A lady came out with a clipboard, "Welcome to four seasons! Are you lot from the wanderlust community?"

"Yes, yes we are." The man who helped us told her.

"Right, come and I'll attend to you all."

Derek had abandoned me to see his girlfriend while Yvonne came besides me. She gave me a small smile. We began walking to the reception as a group.

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