Author's Note

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We have officially finished 22 Days!!! AHHH I'M SCREAMING.

To all those who voted, viewed, commented and even added this book to their reading list, I'd just like to say thank you for giving this story a chance. It means the world to me.

Special thanks to EloperElf   and ChinkiChilliChicken.  These two were showing nothing but love through and through and I can't thank you enough.

30,000 words down the line you all stuck with my stubborn Cece and my matronly Yvonne. That being said, I have 2 final installments in the 22 Series before I officially close a chapter.

The third installment of the series is...

*Drum rolls*

22 Recordings!

I teased it a bit in chapter 24, and we're officially ready to go!!

Note: This will be the final installment of Cece and Yvonne's story, written in Yvonne's point of view. It may follow a similar style 22 Letters took, and will be a small novella.

The official release date is 8 June, 2021.

Once again, thank you for sticking with me and see you next time!

With love,

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