22: Day 19

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Dear Cecelia,

I don't know why I'm doing this, and why I even feel like doing this. But I feel like it's time you and I talk, one on one, heart to heart. I promise you that it's going to be worth your time, and I won't disappoint.

Not really sincerely,

I reread the note that just slid under the door. Jameela, of all people, wanting to talk to me? And most importantly, being civil?

I scrunched up the letter, threw it in the bin and headed out, not sure of what she really wanted.

"Here goes nothing."


Lucky for me, Jameela was in her room. Gia had apparently gone to see her sister Kim, and Jameela was all alone.

Sitting on the bed Gia normally sleeps on, I looked at Jameela, who had her phone in hand. I pushed my hair back and waited for her to say something.

"Cecelia." She cleared her throat, "As much as my pride doesn't like it, I do have to apologise."

"For what exactly?"

"For...everything. I've done a lot that I can't forgive myself for, and I really do feel bad." She said, playing with a braid, "I hope we can be friends."

"Be what?" I stared at her in disbelief.

"Listen, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking it might be one of my traps or just a ruse, but I'm serious, I apologise." She repeated, gagging a bit, "Ugh, I hate apologizing."

"Why now? I mean, you had all the time in the world to apologise, but why now?"

Jameela sighed, "Listen, after finding out about you and Derek's bet, I thought I finally had a one up over you. I did, but then when I put it out to Yvonne thinking she'd give up on you, it didn't go so well. Yes, she did come to me, but not the way I thought she would. She came to me for comfort..for someone to be with. I thought it was her confessing her feelings for me, and I decided to tell her how the truth."

"What truth?"

"I told her about our little bet, and how I had lost it. I told her why I made that bet, and how I had a wee bit of a crush on her. She didn't reciprocate my feelings obviously. But what happened next, really did shock me."

I cocked my head, "What happened next?"

"She told me that she has feelings for you and you only. She told me that her and I could be friends only if I apologise to you. That's what she said, and I decided to talk to you."

I rolled my eyes, "Because she forced you?"

Surprisingly, Jameela shook her head, "No, because I realized that I was the one stopping the happiness for you and her. I was your thorn in the flesh when I could've been your helper. All because I thought Yvonne didn't like you and you were forcing yourself onto her. I thought you didn't deserve Yvonne, and she deserved better. So I decided to sabotage you, and I thought it would work, but it didn't. So I told her this, I told her the entire truth, all of it."

I kept silent for a while, amazed at how sincere Jameela could actually be. Then, I uttered the most quietest word ever, "Why?"

"Because, Cecelia, I couldn't accept disappointment, so I decided to be childish and act naively, not realizing how much my actions would affect you two. I even brought a third party into it, and temporarily ruined the relationship between Derek and Jess. I felt really bad and I knew the only way I could fix is was to tell the truth. I told Yvonne, I told Derek, I told Jess. I told everyone I used, and I apologized to them. You were the only one left." She gave me a weak smile, "I'm sorry for everything, Cece. It was so stupid of me to try and ruin a good thing. I honestly didn't expect Yvonne to be this broken, and i didn't expect her to react to this in that way. It was my fault and I accept full responsibility for it."

I smiled at her warmly, "Jameela, you may have tried to tear me and Yvonne apart numerous times, but it doesn't matter anymore. What's in the past is in the past, and I forgive you." I watched her smile even wider, "I want to apologise too. I didn't mean to be this petty either. It's my fault too, and I accept the blame."

As I said my last statement, I thought of how Derek wanted me to accept blame for my part in things. He was right, and I knew it. I can't put all the blame on Jameela if I also played along. And I definitely should try and apologise to him too.

"It's okay honestly, I don't mind." She shrugged, "Besides, you made my stay here pretty interesting. I loved the challenge, the pettiness, and everything."

"Me too."

"I think we're gonna be good friends Cecelia. So with this, let's start afresh." She stuck her hand out for me to shake.

I took it, but then asked her a question, "What did Yvonne say to you after you told her the truth?"

Jameela smiled, "Just know that you guys will be alright. Trust me on that."

"Should I?"

"With Yvonne?" I nodded and she winked, "You two will be just fine."

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