8: Day 5

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"Poi tastes amazing." Derek hummed while eating another mouthful of poi.

I shook my head and continued eating, waiting for Me Kahale to come and tell us what we're doing for the day. I couldn't get what went down last night, my possible almost kiss with Yvonne, and my possible kiss with Derek too.

It got me thinking; who the hell did I actually like? Leon was right, Derek and I never broke up because of irreconcilable differences, just me trying to stay loyal to Leon and his hopeless crush on Nathan at the time. So is it possible I still liked him? Is it possible he still liked me? I don't know.

And then there's Yvonne. She's smart, responsible, matronly and really cute. My stupidity and clumsiness can balance out her orderly manner. I like her, like a lot. And I don't know if she likes me back. Maybe? Maybe not? Sigh.

I think I now know what Leon felt like when he was given this dare.

What feared me the most about this morning was probably the aftermath of last night. The tension between us was palpable once again, with Jameela passing me a loop sided grin here and there while Derek avoided my gaze. I avoided Jessica's gaze in return, not sure of what to do.

"Seems like Derek and Yvonne had an amazing day yesterday, don't you think so, Yvonne?" Jameela started, making Derek spit out his poi and immediately begin to cough, Jessica patting his back then passing him a glass of water.

"What are you talking about?" Yvonne asked so innocently, giving me a look.

"Didn't you know? They were-"

"SWIMMING!" Derek blurted out, slamming his glass down, "We were swimming! We had an amazing time and I threw Cece into the water at least twice, it was so perfect."

Jessica and Yvonne didn't look convinced, so I gave the smallest of nods to Leon, who tapped his finger.

"I was there and literally watched them, they looked like goofballs." He seeped his way into the lie, "These two really had a wrestling match in the fucking ocean."

Nathan joined in, "Leon and I wanted to join, but decided against it. Leon isn't the best swimmer-"

"Rude." Leon scoffed.

"I didn't lie."

Jessica and Yvonne finally looked convinced, and I released a deep breath. Then, something absolutely unexpected happened.

"That's a fucking lie." Gia snorted, "Derek and Cecelia were slowdancing in the fricking afternoon and almost kissed for chrissake."

Jessica dropped her fork and stared at Derek, "Is it true?"

"We just said we went swimming babe, you know I wouldn't do something to upset you." He lied again, and I decided to help.

"You have no proof though." I shrugged, and my shoulders dropped when Jameela opened her phone and showed me a picture of Derek and I holding each other. I gaped: why would she take a fricking picture? She then showed it Jessica, who looked at me, and immediately threw the water in her glass, onto my face.

"Shit!" I cussed, and quickly removed my glasses and took a napkin to wipe the water away.

"I hope you enjoyed that, Derek." I heard Jessica say. When I opened my eyes, I saw her standing up and walking away from the scene.

"Jess!" Derek ran after her, completely ignoring my presence.

"So you basically recycled that idea and gave it to me? Copy and paste?" Yvonne asked, her voice no lower than a whisper.

"Yvonne, it wasn't like-"

"Your hair looks cute, Cece, I wonder if..." Yvonne drawled off, standing up and immediately taking her smoothie, and dropping it on me, the cold liquid running down my back as I gasped and stood up in shock, "Perfect."

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